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3 weeks later
Narrator's POV

The police department had closed the case and classified it as a "murder-suicide" . After 14 days of hospitalisation, Hyunbin was discharged. He went through several surgeries on his back and abdomen. Fortunately, his stab wound wasn't fatal and he received a blood donor from his parents and Tae Ung.

Hyunbin was now free roaming his house, but his mobility was limited because the doctor advised him not to move his body too much and get enough rest at home til his stitched abdomen healed fully. He was no longer sleeping in his room due to the trauma. Moreover, Ha Eun's bloody handwriting was permanently stuck on his wall, he got a new room on the first floor next to his parent's room and after high school graduation he planned to live in his own apartment. His parents also scheduled a therapist for him.

That fateful Sunday afternoon, dressed in all black, with suits, slacks and loafers, Hyunbin sneaked out of his residence. His parents were playing golf somewhere with their workmates. He had texted Seohyeon asking Ha Eun's grave location earlier that day.

Hyunbin grabbed his wallet, exited his residence, then made his way out of his neighbourhood. As soon as he made it to a busy road, he waved his hands at a taxi who happened to drive past. The driver then pulled up next to the pavement where he stood up.

He hopped into the backseat and said, "Dongsik Cemetery"

Without further words, he drove off...

15 minutes later

He paid the fare in cash, got out of the taxi and went inside the lonely cemetery by himself. The sky turned a little orange-ish though the sun was still shining. His gaze scanned his surroundings, observing each tomb, looking for Ha Eun's. He finally found her grave where her lifeless body was laid to rest.. He was unable to attend her funeral, obviously, since he was still in the hospital back then.

He kneeled down in front of her tomb as he stared at her name, date of birth and date of her passing. His heart shattered, he could no longer bear the bottled up emotion inside; silent tears streamed down his cheeks..

"Ha Eun" He called her name softly.

"Why does it have to end like this? Why would you do that? All I wanna do is to explain everything and ask you about the stalking incident. You nearly killed me that night, and your memories forever haunt me in both good and bad ways.. we used to have a good time together, but why did you end everything in such a grim way?"

"I'll forever be scarred... and I know I should hate you for the things you did that night. If I hadn't received blood donors from Tae Ung and my parents, I would've followed your path.. But at the same time, I was wondering if, somehow, the body that was found in my room wasn't yours and that I could still see you roaming the school corridor once again, where I would greet you and you would act sheepishly like you usually do.. it hurts so bad" He continued to confess his heart out.

He then wiped away his tears, and stood up as he pocketed both his hands.

"Everytime you come close to me,
Everytime I'm feeling you,
It feels so extra ordinary" He crooned his farewell tune in front of her tomb as he forced a broken smile.

Not long after that, his phone rang...

"Yeoboseyo?" (Hello) he said.

"Where are you? I booked you a ticket to Jeju honey. You should spend the rest of your summer there. I didn't want you to traumatise yourself here" , his mother stated.

"Ah.. when is it?"

"Tomorrow morning honey. I already packed up your stuff. And the therapist we hired for you happened to be there, You better come home now. Plus we hired a cute girl as soon as you areived there, she'd be your new tour guide! Her name was Lee Da Inn"

"Okay" He ended the call abruptly. Who knows, a trip to Jeju would speed his mental healing.. picking Jeju oranges right from the field, enjoying the beach, and staying at a traditional Korean lodging sounds like a wonderful idea...

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