15 6 1

2 hours later

The four of us truly enjoyed a great karaoke night though I didn't participate in the singing at all. I didn't want to ruin the vibes, and I'm ashamed of Hyunbin if he found out what I sounded like, though he didn't seem to mind considering Seohyeon is way worse than me. It's almost 11 pm, the four of us ended the session.

"I can't believe you're that good without autotune" Seohyeon complimented Hyunbin.

"Come on, stop exaggerating" He chuckled.

"He acted humble in front of girls, but in front of me, he'd roast me alive" Tae Ung commented.

The four of us chuckled. Once we reached the karaoke lobby...

"Okay guys, I think I'd parted ways from here. I'm going home" Seohyeon exclaimed.

"And so am I.." Tae Ung followed his crush's path.

"Okay okay, have a good date, you two"

"Thanks man" Tae Ung didn't deny it.

"You crazy punk.." Seohyeon pushed Tae Ung's shoulder a bit though her face flushed.


"Are you in a hurry?" Hyunbin asked me as soon as Seohyeon and Tae Ung left.

I shook my head.

"What about some fresh meat?" He offered.

"Okay" I smiled.

He smiled warmly at me, then the two of us exited the karaoke building. I saw his car parked not far from it, the two of us walked on the pavement as he pocketed his hands in his jeans, on our way to the barbecue restaurant not far from the noraebang.

"How have you been all this time, while I was away?" He finally asked the questions I'd been waiting for.

"Well.. I'm good" I didn't know if confessing the truth was the right choice.

He then stared at me for a bit, I gulped my spat and looked away. He then chuckled, "I know you. You will look at me in the eye if that's the truth."

"Fine.." I sighed.

"You lied to me. You said you'd be in touch but you ended up leaving, never to be heard from again", I complained.

"And that makes you..?"

"Ugh stop asking obvious questions. Of course I was devastated back then" I yelled.

​He chuckled a little, "I'm sorry. It's not that I forgot about you and our friendships, but rather, I didn't find any way to contact you. I didn't even know your precise address and house number back then."

​"Ugh, I never thought that it was you, the guy that I bumped into for the second time."

He giggled, "I must say I was fortunate to be reunited with you"

My heart skipped a beat, "And why is that?"

His eyes darted at me, we stared at each other deeply for a moment. Back then, I saw his childhood self, staring at me with affection and warmth, but now, he stares at me with a fire of emotions set ablaze in his eyes.

"I don't know how you would  feel about this, but I'm ready for the consequences.." He said.

"What.. is it?" I muttered.

"I like you", he whispered right into my ears, giving me an absolute chill.

I froze on the spot as my pupils dilated in disbelief, that's what I'd been dying to hear all this time.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

I glanced at him then nodded.

"Then.. say something, will you?"

"I.. I feel the same way about you.. since that day in the grass field"

His jaw dropped a little, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Did you?"

"You didn't have to question me about it" I stared into his eyes without even blinking. He did the same as well. I could see his black eyes sparkling, a smile carved into his face.

"I didn't know that you felt that way a long time ago.. I'm sorry for being so ignorant. Let's just take this moment as our first date, will you?"

"Okay" I smiled.

The two of us entered the barbecue restaurant, sat facing each other. My phone suddenly rang...

"Hello?" I picked up mum's sudden call.

"Here you go again, where are you little brat?" Mum complained.

"At the Magal's.. we're having a dinner, mum"

"What?! This is 11 pm and you have a dinner? What the hell are you doing before that?!"

"What? Hello? I can't hear you. The signals must be so terrible in here. Mum I'll call you back soon, bye" I pretended not to hear her and ended the call.

Monday, 3.30 pm

I decided to skip Mr Choi's course for today. Missing one day wouldn't waste my mum's money after all. Instead, Hyunbin and I went to the school rooftop as soon as Seohyeon and Tae Ung had left.
As soon as the two of us reached the rooftop, Hyunbin laughed as he pulled my wrists softly, we were running like a child.. It truly reminded me of our childhood where we played some silly games. The way my heart fluttered was unreal.

I'M THAT JEALOUS GFWhere stories live. Discover now