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"Everytime you come close to me,
Everytime I'm feeling you" I heard that familiar soft, soulful yet melodious voice again in the corridor. My heart skipped a beat, then it raced. I recognised that tune somehow, like I'd heard it before somewhere... I wish I could remember things precisely so that I wouldn't feel this way. I turned around, I saw that the very same boy I bumped into last night was tying his shoelaces as he sang it to himself. My pupils dilated in disbelief and something hit me like a truck...

Was he someone from my past? It does feel like it... but I've had lots of childhood friends back then especially during middle school years. He was certainly not in one school as me..

As soon as I reached my class, I handed Ms Kang's phone back to her and she thanked me. I returned to my desk, couldn't stop overthinking about his identity, it was no ordinary deja vu. He was someone from my past and from the way he looked at me last night, it appeared that he recognised me as well. I wish I could remember who he was.


Seohyeon and I exited our class and made our way to the canteen.

"Seohyeon, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"Do you know that tall boy with black hair?"

She burst out into a fit of laughter, "Every boy in this country looked like that, be more specific"

I chuckled nervously, "Ugh.."

I spotted him again, he was already wearing his school uniform this time as he conversed with his friends. Because I stared at him intensely, he sensed it and our gazes met for a split second, then I quickly looked away. I pulled Seohyeon's wrists and I whispered, "He's here. That guy". I raised both my eyebrows as I glanced at him for one second.

She quickly noticed his presence, "Oooh.. Why? Do you like Hyunbin?"


Oh my god... now it all makes sense... he was that little boy whom I helped after being bullied back in his elementary school days... We became friends temporarily and he disappeared for years only to pop up in this way... anyhow, I still couldn't believe that we were reunited, just like my prediction, as a total stranger...

"Let's just go" I hastened my footsteps. Seohyeon followed my path and attempted to walk precisely next to me, she looked quite perplexed.

We made it to the canteen, grabbed the stainless steel tray and chopstick, then simply joined the queue.

"Do you have a crush on him?" Seohyeon asked again as she stood up behind me.

I gulped my spat, how do I tell her?

"Nothing, I'm just... asking"

"Come on. I know you. You never cared about boys in this school, rather you told me you prefer university students, remember?" She giggled.

"Yeah but I was just a little shocked" I forced a broken smile.

"Why? Did you know him personally?"

"I think so"

"You think so? Be more specific it's a yes or no question"

"Yeah" I nodded.

As soon as it was my turn, the lunch lady served me kimchi soup with sidedishes and rice. Then I exited the queue and waited for Seohyeon.

As soon as she was done, the two of us sat on the dining chair and started to consume our lunch. I didn't know why, but it feels super weird now. I lost my appetite all of a sudden, but I forced myself to eat in order to avoid further questioning from Seohyeon. I never felt this way. Why, after all this time, he popped up in my life again after promising to be in touch and didn't? I didn't know why, but I'm still getting very emotional about it. I didn't know what type of emotion it was, but I surely hated it so much. Why can't I just move on like a normal person?

Was that actually Hyunbin from my past, or his doppelganger who happened to have the same name as him?

Fast forward>>>>

School was finally over, I parted ways from Seohyeon and made my way to the course. I still couldn't fathom this sudden reunion. I still can't confirm yet whether or not it was really him. As soon as I made it into the course building, I rushed upstairs, and went straight to my class where my course teacher, Mr Choi, helps students with their homework and upcoming exams. A maximum capacity of 10 kids in one class. The payment was due monthly. I entered my classroom, sat on my desk and unzipped my school bag, pulled out my textbooks and started studying. The classroom was filled with several other kids from different high schools and it was quiet to say the least, everyone minding their own business. Unless they have a question, they can directly ask Mr Choi for his help. He'd explain it to them privately by sitting in front of them.

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