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2.10 pm

I got dressed in my yellow hoodie, mask, and a baseball cap after I tied my long hair into a bun. I rode a taxi to the Jamsil gym. It took around 25 minutes due to traffic.

As soon as the taxi pulled up next to the pavement in front of the urban-styled gym building with massive glass doors and windows, I got out and entered the gym like a normal person about to do a workout. Of course, everyone here is minding their own business, and I'm truly glad of that. I made my way to the weighlifting area, where several folks were occupied working out. With my mask on, I take off my yellow hoodie, revealing the set of trainers I'm wearing inside, and started to work out while observing my surroundings in silence.

10 minutes later

He finally came, alongside another male I didn't recognise, possibly his new gym mate. Then he and several people who are members of the programme gathered, and true to my hunch, one of the cute females that I saw earlier happened to be the trainer. She also seemed quite young, and with that look of hers, I'm sure many teenage boys wouldn't mind dating her. I stopped working out immediately. The fire of jealousy had burned me alive. I couldn't stop staring at her. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and started to capture Hyunbin in secret to confront him later if he messed with me.

I took my hoodie back and started to wear it, then made my way out of the gym as I hastened my footsteps while ducking my head. Fortunately, he didn't notice my presence. Of course, he was too focused on his new gym trainer. I hailed a taxi and returned home immediately. Never in my life have I experienced something so infuriating. My whole body felt hot, my throat hurt and I really wanted to scream at that woman.

If he texted me or called me, I'd definitely ignore it so that he knows how I feel. I couldn't stop staring at his picture when he started working out earlier, while that woman was standing up next to him and giving him some tips.

5.10 pm

Waiting for a text from him seemed impossible now. Perhaps I need to pay his residence a visit to see if he's coming home with his female coach. Since my mum was at work, I exited my residence still wearing my yellow hoodie. I grabbed a new mask, then simply exited my residence. I made my way out of my neighbourhood, I knew the shortcut he used to go to his residential area. My mind was in total chaos, I couldn't stop thinking about him flirting and laughing with his coach, it was a matter of time before he got caught. I'll hunt both of them down and I'll make her pay for it. I recognised Hyunbin, every moment I spent with him was stored and recorded impeccably in my brain. His laugh, cry during childhood times, smile, way of talking, when he was upset, I know everything, even when he was asleep...

I made it in front of Hyunbin's massive new residence, which was painted white. I crossed the road and hid behind some bushes, squatting inside. Hyunbin would be home soon, at least that's what he told me on his first day of training.

5.20 pm

True to my hunch, a black honda civic which didn't belong to Hyunbin pulled up next to the pavement in front of his residence. His new gym mate and he got out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride, man" Hyunbin thanked him affably.

"Anytime. So are you going to attend the dinner together?"

"I don't know, I guess I don't think so" He replied.

Dinner together? Alongside that woman?

"Okay I guess I'll catch you tomorrow back at the gym" He said as he returned to his car. Hyunbin simply smiled and waved his hands at him, then he drove off.

Hyunbin then pulled out his phone before he entered his gate, it seemed like he was texting someone. Sure, he could text anyone in this world but not me.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated...

Hyunbin: Sorry for the late response, love. I'm not ignoring you. I understand you might feel that way recently, but honestly I'm way too occupied. In the morning I spent time with my parents as they wished me to take over my step father's company knowing he has no offspring on his own. And right after lunch it's gym time. However, I'll try to call you tonight. I'm sorry. Please don't think too much of it. <3

I didn't buy any of his words any more.... He needed to swear in front of me that he didn't have any feelings for that woman or else, no matter what he said, I would sleep with one eye open... That's how anxious I am...

Not long after he sent the text, he made his way inside his house and locked the gate and simply disappeared from my sight. I jumped out of the bushes, it reminded me of that scene from the Thriller movie we watched some time ago.

I made my way back home as I typed....

"Can I ask u questions? With whom u speaking to last night?"



My mum finally returned home from work. She brought some takeaway Jajangmyeon for our dinner. I excitedly grabbed a bowl and stainless steel chopstick, then got half of the Jajangmyeon's portion from its cup as I sat on the floor, knowing our dining table was in the traditional style with no chairs.

"Why are you eating so much these days? You're going to gain weight that way" my mum looked confused with my sudden apetite.

"Well, that's because I'm starving and this Jajang is way too tasty" I simply replied as I chewed.

She shook her head with a smirk.

I'M THAT JEALOUS GFWhere stories live. Discover now