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2 hours later

Finally, I call it a day. My knees were extremely exhausted, but I needed to walk back home along the bridge again. It was the nearest and most importantly, free.

I descended the stairs cautiously and couldn't wait to reach home and sleep. I just couldn't put up with my daily life as a high schooler sometimes. I walked through the corridor, then shockingly, I spotted him walking past the course building, by himself. Oh god, are we walking down the same route again like yesterday, at the same time? If he wasn't a student on the course, what would he do after school?

I exited the course building and started to walk behind him, trying to be as slow as possible as he walked casually. He made his way to the bridge, my exact route to go back home. I tried to look at the sky and not him who walked precisely in front of me, but my heart raced and it forced me to just look at him and remember who he was. Perhaps, if I walked past him and simply sprinted, I wouldn't be tortured this way.

I hastened my footsteps, while ducking my head, trying to walk before him. He was quite far from me now due to how slowly I walked prior. I jogged a little, then as soon as I managed to walk past him, by accident, I dropped my phone on the pavement. I immediately grabbed it, and the next thing I knew he stopped. I lifted my head up to see him standing up in front of me. He looked like he was concerned and about to help me get my stuff back.

"Ha-Eun?" He read my nametag that was stuck in my uniform suit pocket.

"Y- yes" I muttered as I read his nametag, and there was no doubt that he was Hyunbin from my childhood.

"Are you... Ha Eun?" His pupils dilated in disbelief.

I nodded awkwardly as my heart beat steadily.

"Oh gosh.. I knew it.." He smiled ecstatically.

"D-d-did you live in Busan during your childhood years?" I stammered all of a sudden.

"Yeah.. you too, right?" He was so convinced when he said that.

I gulped my spat and nodded immediately, "Do you remember that letter you wrote? "

"Did I wrote you any letter?" He chuckled..the same smile, voice and soft vanilla scent from his childhood never changed. My heart fluttered so hard, I was unable to act normal.

"Actually, yeah, from what I recall", I pretended to fix my bangs.

"Wow, I shouldn't have forgotten such memories. I do remember you helping me while I was bullied by those neighbourhood kids"

A smile was carved into my face. I'm glad he recalls that moment, the first time we met.

"Yeah and I was wondering if Haenguni was okay?"

"She passed away 3 years ago" He replied.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked that". I ducked my head in shame.

"That's alright, come on, we used to be friends, what's with this awkwardness?" He smiled immensely.

I stared at him for a bit, that sparkling eyes of his never changed, that ecstatic smile of his precisely reminded me of his childhood portrait..

"Excuse me, but, I'm in a hurry right now", My heart felt like it was on the verge of exploding. Seeing him again just makes me emotional, it takes me back to the traumatising time during my childhood where I cried for him non stop as he disappeared, never to be heard again until now. Should I be grateful? Or should I just move to another school? I didn't know the answer.

"Oh okay.. see you tomorrow at school" He smiled warmly as he waved at me.

Please stop being nice to me... just yell at me, so I can hate you..

I rushed on the pavement, without realising it, tears streamed down my cheeks. I don't understand this emotional nonsense. Why would I cry over this nonsense? But apparently I did.

As soon as I'm home, I opened the door and put my shoes on the rack. I guess my mum will return home late tonight. I immediately sprinted towards my bathroom.

I sat on top of the closed toilet, and started to cry...

He was so cute...
He was too sweet...
Though he forgot about that sweet letter but he certainly remembered the first time we met...
Why did it feel so oddly painful whenever I saw him?
He did nothing wrong
Fortunately we're not in one class
I guess I should avoided him once and for all...

Tears traveled down my cheeks as I continuously wiped it with my wet fingers. My eyes turned red, and my forehead produced a sweat. I didn't know why, but I feel extremely exhausted. He didn't hurt me in any way, it is my fault for being so emotional for no apparent reason. The way my tears fell with no sign of stopping made me realise that I needed a break to prioritise my mental health. I guess it's best to avoid him from now on before I fall deeper into him...

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