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The two of us sat next to each other... He looked up at the sky, shutting both eyes as he smiled blissfully...

"Ha Eun" He called.


"I have one question that we haven't figured out the answer yet."

"What is it?" I asked in curiosity.

He turned around to face me, his black eyes darted at mine, as they sparkled a little. A smile carved into our faces, it was inevitable. How is he even real? Everytime I see him, I am reminded of how lovable he was then and now.

"We're all grown up now.. tell me, what do you want to be?"

I chuckled, "Good question, I guess I already figure it out now"

"So tell me" He placed both his palms on my thighs.

My heart skipped a beat...

"Umm.. a chef. I've always loved my mum's cooking so I guess I'll follow her path" I confessed my future plan that I haven't disclosed to anyone.

"Whoa, so are you gonna cook for me?"

"There's no free meal in my dictionary though" I replied jokingly.

"Even for me?" He pleaded with his puppy eyes.

I shook my head as I smirked, teasing him.

"Please please pleaseee" he pleaded further as he pulled my wrists back and forth like a little boy whose mother refused to buy him a new toy.

"Finee fine, I'd let you taste my food one day" I chuckled.

"Thank you" He smiled sheepishly.

"What about you, though? You said you wanted to be a teacher?"

His jaw dropped a little, "I'm surprised you still remember that"

"Of course I do. What did you remember about me, huh?" I started to interrogate him.

"Oh, don't challenge me. I recalled the time when you mentioned that you would kick my bully's ass mercilessly" He chuckled.

"What? When did I said that?"

"The first time we met. I always laugh whenever I remember that", he replied.

"What? How come you still remember that?!" I was flabbergasted.

He winked cheekily, "Somehow, I did"

He then started to lay down next to me.. his  bangs were blown away by the afternoon breeze... 

"Tell me what do you want to be? You can't escape that question forever"

"I wanna be yours" He replied as he shut both his eyes. He didn't even smirk, showing how serious he was.

"W-what?" My heart fluttered extra hard as I heard his unexpected answer.

"I mean like your future career, come on" I yelled a little.

He chuckled, "My future was already prepared. I'll work in my step father's company"

"W-what? Sorry, but what?"

"My parents got divorced and that's the main reason I moved here. My mum re-married two years later" He confessed his reality to me.

"Why didn't you tell me on that letter!" I complained.

"Because I didn't know they were getting a divorce at that time, my mother told me she was moving to Seoul and dad would follow soon. That's the lie she made me believe during my childhood years", he explained.

"Oh my.." My palms covered my mouth in shock.

"I'm fine though"

"Why won't you lay next to me?" He added.

"No, the sun light is way too bright" I replied.

He chuckled, "Just close your eyes"

"Uhm, no.. I'm way too awkward for that"


"Come on, I prefer sitting"

"Like in Gyeokbokgung palace where you have to bend your knees?" He joked.

"Oh come on, I'm a good mannered person" I replied.

He giggled, "Okay"

​A smile was carved into my face as I stared at him. This precious soul was mine.. I couldn't ask for more..

He then got up from his lying position, then stared at me deeply once again. He caressed my cheeks and whispered, "You're special to me."
I couldn't blink, all I saw was the childhood version of his saying that to me again.

And just like that, he pulled himself closer to me.. then he pressed his lips against mine. his lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through his hair as we breathed each other in....

3 months later

As much as I'm happy that our relationship blossomed like cherries in spring, on top of it, summer has already started. Like most teenage couples, he would wait for me outside Mr Choi's course day after school so that he could walk me home, then he would walk to his residence by himself using my neighbourhood as the shortcut, knowing his family car was used by his mother. He always preferred walking anyway. Whereas on the weekend, we would go watch movies or visit barbecue restaurants at night, or roam the city looking for some tasty street food. Tae Ung and Seohyeon, too. They were two cute, hyperactive couples who always pumped each other's energy all the time.

That noon, I was simply housesitting since my mum was at work. I sat on top of the mat, eating spicy homemade tteokboki while watching TV.
All of a sudden, my phone vibrated...

Hyunbin: I just woke up
Hyunbin: let's roam the street again tonight. It's summer night after all.

A smile was carved into my faces, he has no idea how much I smile just by seeing his texts.

"Okay lol. Will you pick me up?"

Hyunbin is typing...

"Of course. I'd be in front of your house just like what we did in the past"

I type....

"Okay hahah"

Hyunbin is typing....

"I'll be there by 7.30 so prepare yourself <3"

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