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"You're on time" He said.

"Where's the other?" I rubbed my neck nervously.

"Tae Ung was already inside. Seohyeon hasn't arrived yet" he replied, as the two of us made our way onto his front porch. He lived in a better place, as he deserved.

He opened his front door, revealing a nicely styled living room that was painted white with a brown sofa and a flat TV in the living room.

"Welcooomee" Tae Ung welcomed me cheerfully.

"Thank you" I chuckled nervously. I didn't know why I was unable to get back at my normal bubbly self like in my childhood.

"Have a seat please" Hyunbin said.

"Thanks" I sat on the brown couch, it was so comfy, like sitting on top of a cotton.

"So what are we gonna do tonight?" Tae Ung asked.

"Well, up to you guys.. If you want me to order a fresh meat for us, I'd do it.. there was a barbecue grill in the backyard" Hyunbin replied.

"Well, I think I'm full. Let's just watch a suspenseful movie with the lights off" Tae Ung stated.

"That'd be sick, I agree"

"What movie?" I asked awkwardly.

"Well, it depends.. I have lots of options", Hyunbin then jumped to sit next to me. His soft vanilla scent hit my nostrils instantly.

He then grabbed his smart flat Tv remote and turned it on, then simply used it as a pointer. He then clicked on a shortcut bar that was displayed on the screen, which was a legal website to watch movies, be it Korean or international.

Not long after that, we heard Seohyeon yelling, "Hello everybody! Hyunbin! I arrived! Your important guest! Come on! Open the goddamn gate!"

I literally chuckled hearing her shouting like that, and so did Hyunbin and Tae Ung.

"Let me open the gate for her" Tae Ung energetically stood up and open the front door then rushed into the gate.

"I guess he likes your friend", Hyunbin concluded.

"I guess so", I chuckled.

"So what movie do you want to watch?"

"Well.. I guess it's up to you"

"Okay, then let's watch some thrillers. It's the perfect moment for it. But first, are you starving?" Hyunbin asked as his eyes darted at me. Again, I avoided eye contact just because his eyes reminded me of his childhood portrait. He was just so sweet and adorable, I couldn't bear it anymore.

"N-no.." I muttered.

"Are you sure? I have two ramyeon cups that I keep secretly.. We could have them if you want."

My eyes sparkled as my heart skipped a beat. He offered me something that he didn't give to anybody? Though it was a ramyeon cup, it sure felt like gold.

"Thank you, sure I'd love it" I smiled.

"Great!" He sounded enthusiastic, then he stood up, exited the living room and entered the corridor.

Not long after that, Tae Ung and Seohyeon stepped inside the living room with a smile plastered on their faces.

"What's with you guys?" I asked in curiosity. I knew they were unknowingly already in love with each other.

"Nothing. This guy right there is crazy" Seohyeon replied.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Yes, I'm crazy for you Hyeona" , Tae Ung replied jokingly, then the three of us laughed.

"Where's the homeowner?" Seohyeon proceeded to sit next to me.

"He'd be right back" I tried to hide the fact that he was in the kitchen making us some ramyeon to enjoy.

"What are we gonna do? Where's the barbecue grill?" Seohyeon asked.

"We're not having a meat party sadly, but we're going to watch a great movie" Tae Ung replied.

"Ohoooo that's fine too" She smiled ecstatically.

Not long after that, Hyunbin came into view with two cups of hot ramyeon alongside a pair of chopsticks. Tae Ung's eyes sparkled in excitement, thinking it was for him.

"You really didn't have to do this" He said.

"What? This is for the guest.." Hyunbin replied.

Seohyeon giggled as she pushed Tae Ung's shoulder.

"Aaargh, it hurts ah, Hyeonaa" He acted.

Hyunbin handed one of the cups to me, I smiled as I accepted it from his hands.

"Stop acting like that, I got goosebumps" Hyunbin laughed as he commented.

"She truly hurts me..and you too! I thought it was for me" Tae Ung said.

"Here have a try" I replied

"Eh don't give it to him" Seohyeon prevented instantly.

"I'm just joking miss Ha Eun" Tae Ung smiled immensely.

"Do yourself a favour, I have several gimmari for you. It's on my fridge" Hyunbin said as he started to slurp the ramyeon.

"I'll do it later. As of right now, I'm full and I was just messing around. Okay, let's just watch the movie" he exclaimed.

"Okay, what genre?" Seohyeon asked.

"It's gonna be suspense" Tae Ung grabbed the remote and started to access the so-called website.

"Well, Yandere was a great movie, I've watched it" Hyunbin said.

"Is it Japanese?" Seohyeon asked.


"Sounds cool, why not?" I nodded in agreement.

"Okay. I guess that'd be a good idea, I wanna learn Japanese and get myself one Korean and one Japanese girlfriend" Tae Ung stated jokingly.

"Not even in your wildest dreams are you gonna get both" Seohyeon tapped Tae Ung's forehead agressively.

The four of us burst into a fit of laughter to the point where Hyunbin choked on his food.

"Oh god, you guys ruined my dinner" Hyunbin said as he stood up, running towards the kitchen to get some water.

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