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I made my way inside the school corridor alongside Seohyeon, my eyes were still looking soppy from all the dried tears, but I'm definitely stronger and better now. As predicted, as typical, he would be in the corridor talking to one of his friends. I looked away and hastened my footsteps as soon as I walked past him.

"Ha Eun! Wait for meeeee!" Seohyeon yelled as she jogged on her way to me. I stopped and turned around, waiting for her; Hyunbin had already noticed my name being summoned by Seohyeon. He quickly noticed my presence and waved his hands with an ecstatic smile as he approached me, followed by his friends. I freezed on the spot, unable to move or react. I looked away, avoided eye contact with him at all costs...

"Ha Eun! Are you one of Mr Choi's student?" Hyunbin asked.

"Yes" I replied rather cynically as I avoided eye contact with him.

"That's why we always walked on the same path after course.."

My pupils dilated, so he was a student there too? What kind of coincidence is this? Is this a curse or a coincidence?

"You went to the same course?"

"Well, I used to but not anymore" He replied

"Then why are you returning home from school at the same time as me?"

​"Well, I was just hanging out with Tae Ung after school so I suppose it was a mere coincidence", he chuckled.

Seohyeon observed our conversation as she smiled immensely.

"Oh" I glanced at my shoulder, hoping he would just go away... because I was unable to walk away from him. On the other hand, the memory where he hugged me on that field and saying that I was special to him replayed on my mind, I wonder if he still remembered that as well. It just made me wanna cry again, but, no, I'm a tough person. I should be.

"So do you mind if I ask you for your Kakao talk username?" He pulled out his phone.

"I forgot, actually" I rubbed my neck nervously. He looked a bit surprised, and so did Tae Ung and Seohyeon.

"Excuse me", I added as I proceeded to walk away from him.

What the heck am I doing? I ruined everything...

"I apologise on her behalf, she wasn't in the mood. Her period is coming sooner than expected I guess" I could hear Seohyeon talking to Hyunbin.

"It's alright, don't worry about it" He simply replied.

Seohyeon bumped into my shoulder as I hastened my footsteps on my way to class.

"What's wrong? Why did you look so gloomy lately?" She asked solemnly.

I shook my head, "It's nothing"

"Honestly, your energy and eyes can't lie"

"I can't tell you now"

"Okay tell me during lunchtime" She replied.

I gulped my spat, trying my best to hold back my tears. I really hated being emotional like this, what's wrong with me? But I did it right, avoiding him would ultimately push him away and that'd be the first step to move on from him.

I just couldn't stare at his face without replaying the scene on the open grassy field, without seeing his cheeky little smile, without replaying the moment he sang and hugged me. I was unable to bear all the sweetness that he gave. I wish I hadn't fallen for him in the first place. It truly hurts....


I sat facing Seohyeon, the two of us consumed our kimchi jiggae.

"So... what happened?" Seohyeon asked.

I slurped the kimchi broth, then as soon as I swallowed it...

"He was my childhood friends.." I revealed.

"We all have boys as our childhood friends, but why would you specifically acted that way?" She raised her brows.

"Because.. he did something to me back then"

Her pupils dilated, "What did he do?"

"Nothing bad.. he was just too sweet.. I couldn't bear it.. back then we were playing on the grassy field as he feed his beloved rabbits, then he hugged me.." , My voice almost cracked and I paused immediately. Realising the seriousness of the situation, Seohyeon offered her drink to me though I had my own bottle.

I opened my bottle, and started to drink. Every water that enters my throat feels like a crying prevention. I hate these feelings so much.

"That's so cute" Seohyeon smiled warmly at me.

"I just can't anymore. Then he sent me a letter stating he had moved away to Seoul and I recalled how much I had cried for the next couple of weeks", I added.

​"You know what? You're in love with him", she concluded.

"I wish I wasn't"

"You do, it's too obvious" She smirked.

"What should I do? I hate this feeling so much. What if he has a crush or even a girlfriend?" I whined.

"Well, to my knowledge, he was single at the moment. Just give him your kakao talk and see where things go. He was a nice and polite person after all", Seohyeon stated.

​I simply nodded. I didn't know if he still wanted my Kakao talk, who knows he got offended and decided to step back. If that's the case, it'd be easy to move on...

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