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15 minutes later

I got up from the couch, tiptoed towards the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Call me lunatics, but I'm doing this for our sake. I ascended the stairs, holding a knife tightly in my hands. As soon as I reached the second floor, I roamed through the dark corridor and finally entered his room with his name plaque hanging in front of it. Time to end his life, and mine too..

I twisted his door knob, slowly pushed it.. he was wearing his eye mask and already dressed in his PJ's.. I entered his dark room, the only source of light was moonlight that shone off through his glass bedroom window.

I tiptoed towards him. As I got closer to him, I could hear him breathing. This is for our sake, love. I'm doing it for us. I swung the knife in the air, preparing myself for the task. He suddenly changed his sleeping position and curled up in a protective manner. Without further consideration, I swung the knife once again and it landed on his abdomen perfectly. Blood splattered all over my cheeks, jeans and clothes, a grin automatically was carved into my face..

"AAAAAARGHHH!" He screamed in agony as he quickly opened his eye mask.

He stared at me in total disbelief as he held his bleeding abdomen. I swung the knife once again. That's where he managed to crawl out of bed. I jumped, about to grab him and stab him once again, but he managed to evade it. I stood up, and stabbed his back twice as he attempted to leave his room. I'm not leaving til he breathes his last breath.

"STOOOP! YOU'RE KILLING ME FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" For the first time I heard him screaming and swearing.

He was rolling in agony on top of his carpet. I sat down as I placed his head on my thigh softly, watching him dying... I stroke his beautiful bangs, I feel like we're back at our childhood phase again.

"You're mine and would always belong to me" I stated.

"If I can't have you, nobody can" I added.

Of course he was suffering. He glanced at me, his eyes glistened as if tears were on the tip of his eyelid. Frankly, I regretted nothing. That is what anyone should do when their relationship comes to an end.

He then groped my hands with his bloody palm, attempted to take away the knife from me. I stood still, not reacting or moving, he was dying anyway. What's there to do? Nothing.


It was a bloody scene. I treated his blood like ink, and my finger like a brush, his wall was the canvass. I wrote on his white painted wall...

영원히 내 것

Forever mine

Then I approached him, still lying in the very same spot as he was still dying.. He suffered in total agony.. Don't worry, I'm not letting you endure that agony by yourself.. I grabbed the knife back and proceeded to slit my throat with it...

Narrator's POV

Hyunbin eventually regained consciousness, but, he was losing a lot of blood and if he didn't act fast, he could follow his girlfriend's path.. she was lying lifeless next to the door with her throat slitted and on top of that, she also slitted her veins, it's a scene coming straight out of gore horror movie. He crawled slowly and attempted to look for his phone to call 112...

He was unable to stand up due to the pain in his bleeding abdomen. Some of the blood dried on its own. His palms groped his bed and he found his phone. With shaking hands, he grabbed it and unlocked his lockscreen. He typed 112 on the keypad with a shaking fingertip, then he put his phone on top of his bed after activating loudspeaker mode.

"112, what's your emergency?" The male operator asked on the line.

"My girlfriend stabbed me and she killed herself" He reported.

"Where's your address sir?"

"Yongin road 382"

"Our paramedics team is heading your way. Are you hurt badly,sir?"

"Yeah I'm bleeding a lot, she stabbed my belly and my back"

"Please stay on the line with me, I'm sending officers and detective to your residence, in the meantime, how did it all began?"

"Sh- she was already in my house stalking me, ugh please quick, I'm in so much pain" He was unable to provide detailed information at that moment.

Not long after that, the officers, detectives alongside paramedics with stretchers, rushed inside his residence. Hyunbin was no longer conscious, he was immediately lifted onto the stretcher. He was losing a lot of blood, whereas Ha Eun was pronounced dead at the scene.
Hyunbin was rushed into the hospital while the officers and detectives stayed to examine the crime scene. After collecting evidence and thorough examination, the detective concluded that the deceased was the culprit, considering the mess and most of the blood that was found and splattered was Hyunbin's.

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