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Ha Eun's POV

Finally, those guys alongside that woman exited the Barbecue restaurant. I stood up and walked away from the Noraebang before they caught me. I hide behind the dim street lamp. I needed to go to his house and simply confront him about everything. I was exhausted and I could no longer wait for the uncertainty.

The black honda civic drove off, I assume he gave Hyunbin a lift back to his residence. since I'm familiar with this area, in fact, Hyunbin and I went here a lot during our date. I knew precisely the shortcut to Hyunbin's house without any vehicles..

15 minutes later

Finally, when I reached his residence, my heart fluttered harshly. I tried to check if his front gate was locked. Fortunately it wasn't. I slowly entered his front gate and made my way into the front yard. His front door was locked, possibly he wasn't home at the moment. However, his front window was unlocked. I opened it slowly and I climbed it, then jumped. I made it to his living room, I squatted behind one of the couches, waiting for him to get home..

5 minutes later

I heard a car parked in front of his residence, I could clearly hear words being exchanged between him and his gym mate, and after that..

He opened the front door. My heart raced harshly, I didn't know what to do. Perhaps, I needed to just act invisible at first before I pretended to pay his house a visit like a normal person. He turned off the living room lights, then whistled as he entered his corridor.. I could hear his footsteps ascending the stairs...

After some time, I decided to exit his living room via the unlocked front window, and pretended to be a guest. I pressed the doorbell multiple times, waiting for him to open the door.. I put my mask inside my hoodie pocket to avoid looking suspicious.

Hyunbin's POV

As soon as I jumped on my bed, I heard a knock on my front door. Who could it be? I'm truly exhausted to interact with anyone after guy's night out, except for So Hee, our gym trainer as the only female among us. I got up from my bed, exited my room, then simply descended the stairs...

Once I reached my dark living room, I came to answer the door and was startled to learn Ha Eun's sudden presence. I already locked the gate. How come she got access to my residence? My heart started to beat steadily, thinking of two possibilities...

She climbed my gates,
Or she was already here prior...

If she climbed the gate, I definitely would hear the noise of her falling or at least a loud thud considering the heights.

"Ha-Ha Eun?" My pupils dilated in disbelief. I saw tears streaming down her cheeks. I'm aware that I caused her to be miserable, that it was all my fault for causing this misunderstanding. It may seem like I'm done with her. In fact, I still have strong feelings for her but she completely freaked me out...

"Ha Eun.. h-how did you enter my home? I already locked the gate.." I muttered, acting clueless, as if I didn't realise I was being stalked by her prior.

She paused, she was surprised and unable to answer. Her gaze stared at me vehemently, her pupils got smaller and it truly scared me to the core.

"I love you", she mumbled.


"I love you", she whispered in a lower tone.

I grabbed both her shoulders, "Ha Eun. I'm sorry for causing this misunderstanding. I didn't have any intention to hurt you"

"But you do" She muttered.

"I apologise. I just didn't find the right time to talk to you. I was occupied every single day"

"Am I still special to you?"


"You always told me I was special to you.. I was wondering if you still think that way."

I gulped my spat, unable to answer her question because she was no longer recognisable.

Ha Eun's POV

He was freezing, unable to react or answer my question. That reaction truly ripped me apart, because I already know the answer. It feels like death just the same as bereavement and in quiet moments it chokes the breath from my body and short circuits my mind...

"See? I'm nobody.. I'm nobody now" I fell on my knees, crying.

The look of concern displayed all over his face, he proceeded to squat and hugged me, "No, that's not it.. honestly, I want to talk to you about something, but you need to calm down first"

My heart started to race, wondering if he politely would ask for a permanent breakup. Before that happens, I'll end both of us..
His typical soft vanilla scent lingering around my nostrils, I feel shattered into pieces as his smile and sweetness replayed on my mind like I was watching it on videotape.

"Do you want some water?" He asked. I simply nodded. He then helped me stand up, and walked me to his comfy couch. As soon as I sat down to calm my nerves, he turned on the living room lights and entered his corridor...

2 minutes later

He returned with a glass of water, and handed it to me directly, then he sat next to me as I drank...

"We need to talk tomorrow. I'm tired now and I promise I'll visit your house"

"What is it that you wanna talk about? Give me a clue" my heart fluttered harshly.

"Well.. it's better to tell you tomorrow. Both of us needed a rest"

Maybe if I played along, he would change his mind not to break up with me..

"Okay" I nodded.

"Take care, I'm sorry, okay? I'm deeply sorry for what I did" He stated.

"Can I.. just take a 30 minutes nap in here? I promise after that I'd leave"

"Fine" He sighed.

I lay down on his couch, my mind was in utter chaos. I know right away that tomorrow will be the day of our breakup, and I'm not letting it happen. He walked away from me, entered the corridor and ascended the stairs. I was unable to control myself and my jealousy. I'd rather act on it rather than not at all.

I'M THAT JEALOUS GFWhere stories live. Discover now