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Ha Eun's POV

I'm waiting for him to return from the toilet. I didn't know what to say after that, he was so distant and not present. He didn't even look at me through the camera.

I could hear him crooning gently as he made his way towards his bed, to grab his phone back. That angelic voice of his never failed to impress me...

"I'm back" he said.

"Well.. I know this might sound annoying to you, but I need to make things clear.. are you sure you're not attached to your trainer? Are you sure she didn't like you either?" I boldly asked him the question.

"Oh god, come on.. I didn't.. why would I like a woman that is 5 years older than me? She's married, I've told you already" He seemed and sounded real upset.

"But I think it's possible for her to like you"

"I'm tired, can we skip to other subject to talk about? Hm?"

"Why won't you talk about that? I guess it's true that she likes you"

"She did not. Talk about something else, or I'm ending this video call" He sounded mad this time.

"What? No way! Don't you dare hung the phone on me!" I yelled upsetly.

"Then, talk about something else, will you?"

"I don't know! I'm just getting so jealous! I was afraid of losing you! Ever since you joined that gym training you changed a lot!" I complained angrily.

"There's nothing I could do to convince you if you don't believe me" He said nonchalantly, seems like he's already giving up of our relationship.

"Okay fine! Fine end this video call!" I got provoked further.

"I know that's not what you want, but that's what I'm doing. Let's just cool off first, I'll talk to you later" He ended the video call abruptly.

What a punk...

The following morning

I gently opened my eyes at approximately 8.15 AM only to find a new text from him on kakao talk. I unlocked my phone screen and tapped on his chat immediately as my heart fluttered all of a sudden.

To my girlfriend Ha Eun,
Meeting you for the first time back then was a pure bliss and blessing. I couldn't be more grateful that I could met someone as cute and as adorable as you, but unfortunately things changed , whether it was caused by circumstances or it is within ourselves. Just know that I'm no longer mad at you, I forgive you, I wanted to rebuild and fix things, but it all takes time. I want to take a break from this relationship to think about our feelings.. I didn't want to rush things that would end up in chaos. I like it all prepared. So bear with me, I'll come back after I made up my mind, and trust me, it's for the best.

My palms instantly turned into fists. Just a week after summer had started, he wanted to take a break. For fuck's sake, this must have been caused by his coach..

I aggressively type on my keyboard...

"See?? I know the truth before you do. I am aware that you're seeing someone new! Despite of her being married, a woman like her of course could cheat! She could've done it easily considering her looks!!"


Hyunbin is typing....

5 minutes later

"I made my point clear. There's no need for me to explain further, I am taking a break from now on. I apologise in case I hurt you, but it hurts me too to see you acting this way, accusing me of something I didn't do at all without evidence. I'm sorry but I need a break from us"

I threw my phone angrily and it landed perfectly on my bed. I really want to kill that woman. Should I warn her? I definitely should... she couldn't take Hyunbin from me, ever. I'll hunt her down.

10 days after the break...

I stared at myself in front of the vanity mirror inside my room as I frowned. My room is a mess, I've already torn apart the letter that he sent me during our childhood back then, the one that got me overly emotional. Every piece of thrown paper, I threw it like a pinch of salt, it fell everywhere...

Not a single text from him in the past 10 days.. I'm waiting and waiting like a crazy clown.. How long does a break usually take? I searched on internet forums, according to many people's experience, it varies from a week to 3 months, even 6 months. I couldn't wait for that long, moreover, without any re-assurance about how things between us would go. Sooner or later I guess he will find someone else, and I'm not letting go.. that girl needs to step over my corpse first...

I ruffled my hair frantically, this was so upsetting and frustrating. How long will this last? I just can't live like this anymore. No text, no call, feels like a total stranger.. and I was expected to wait while he had fun. Who knows he used these so-called "temporary break" times to get to know his personal trainer?

I'M THAT JEALOUS GFWhere stories live. Discover now