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The following morning

I returned to the couch immediately as soon as I managed to capture his picture last night. It made my heart beat steadily and he looked adorable, totally reminded me of the childhood version of his.

"Good morninggg" Tae Ung exclaimed as soon as he entered the living room, wearing Hyunbin's T-shirt.

"Morningg, where's Hyunbin?" Seohyeon asked.

"I'm here" Hyunbin suddenly popped up in his black PJ's. I was astounded by how awesome he looked.

"Are you guys busy? We could go karaoke tonight" Tae Ung stated.

"Oh my god, hell yes! It's been a long time!"

"What? Come on... I can't sing for fuck sake" I disagree immediately.

"None of us can except for this guy right there" Tae Ung pointed his finger towards Hyunbin.

"Oh come on.." Hyunbin laughed.

"Don't lie, you definitely can sing" Tae Ung insisted.

"Did he?" Seohyeon seemed surprised.

I know in my heart that he was in fact a natural born singer...

"Not really", Hyunbin rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"No, he's a liar, I heard him a thousand times" Tae Ung clarified to us.

"Okay, you better rise and shine tonight Hyunbin" Seohyeon stated.

Hyunbin laughed sheepishly, my heart truly raced, I was unable to blink... just staring at him made me really comfortable.


By 9.10 am, Seohyeon and I left Hyunbin's residence and hailed a cab with two destinations. As soon as the cab dropped me off in front of my neighbourhood, I paid my joint venture fare, then I simply walked on the pavement as I made my way back home, still dressed in my uniform suits and skirts. People will start to wonder, but it's not like I care.

"Mum, I'm back" I exclaimed as soon as I entered my living room.

"Oh my god you startled me! I returned home late last night so I went to sleep immediately. Where were you and why are you dressed in school uniforms? I thought you were supposed to be asleep in your room!" My mum started to interrogate me. Understandable, I didn't tell her regarding the sleepover last night.

"Ugh, last night I was doing a presentation project at Seohyeon's... and ended up sleeping in her house" I explained.

"Oh my god. Next time please do call me. You're fortunate I didn't find out that you disappeared all night. Otherwise I'd call the police"

"Oh come on, mum.. I won't get kidnapped"

"Now go take a shower, and I'll prepare breakfast" she said.

I nodded and made my way straight to my room.

Fast forward>>>>>>>>
7.15 pm

I got dressed in my favourite pair of ripped blue jeans, black T-shirts and I let my long black hair raveled, then I combed my bangs. I sprayed perfume all over my outfit, simply put some lipgloss on and pink blush stick. I draw my eyebrows a little, and poof, I'm done. I exited my room carrying my purse with money and my phone in it.

"Oh my goodness, where are you going? Is this a hotel to you?" Mum yelled as soon as she spotted me.

"Ugh.. come on, mum. It's saturday night" I replied.

"Damn.. be home before 1 am or else you'll have to sleep in actual hotel" she replied sarcastically.

I chuckled, "Fine fine, it won't take long"

Not long after that, my phone vibrated. A new text from Seohyeon popped up, stating that she was in front of my neighbourhood street sign.

"I'll be back, mum!" I yelled as exited my residence in a hurry.


I hopped into the cab's backseat, next to Seohyeon. She looked quite awesome and prepared. I know for a fact that she wanted to impress Tae Ung.

"You looked awesome" I complimented.

"Thanks.. I didn't know if this was his taste"

"Of course Tae Ung would fall head over heels for you" I chuckled.

A deep shade of pink tinted Seohyeon's cheek for a few seconds as she ducked her head sheepishly. The cabbie started to drive, possibly Seohyeon had told him our final destination where the boys would show up at the "NORAEBANG" aka Karaoke place.

My phone suddenly vibrated again as we were stuck in the traffic. I pulled my phone out of my purse, there was a text from Hyunbin.

I'm here with Tae Ung.. where are you?

A smile carved was carved into my face.

I typed...

"I'm on my way with Seohyeon. We might be late due to traffic"


Hyunbin is typing....

"It's okay hahah. I'll be waiting for u"

My heart skipped a beat, for me? Not for 'us' since I'm coming with Seohyeon?

15 minutes later

The cab pulled up next to the pavement in front of the karaoke place. A massive building painted purple with colourful light lamps decorated the front building and the boards. The two of us paid in a joint venture, then got out of the cab and headed inside. As soon as the two of us entered the lobby, we finally met the boys.

"I reserved a room for us, guys, let's just go" Hyunbin said.


I walked next to him as Tae Ung was behind me alongside Seohyeon, entering the long corridor with a black wall and white lights.

"Did you order some drink and food as well?" I tried to converse with him.

"I think drinking would cause a problem, so, no, unless water" He chuckled.

"Yeah right" I smiled a little.

The four of us entered the reserved room where the lights were neon red that constantly switched into neon blue. There was a red couch, a pair of microphones, a flat TV, and a square-shaped wooden table.

"Who's gonna sing first?" Seohyeon asked.

"It's gonna be me" Tae Ung stated proudly.

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