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He has no idea how much I'm willing to sacrifice for him... his picture when he was asleep during the sleepover was my chat background on Kakao Talk now. I edited it and added some stickers on it, to make it look more cute. I continued watching the TV while finishing my tteokboki, and as soon as I was done, I turned off the TV, stood up and exited the living room, then made my way into the kitchen to wash some dishes, doing my mum a favour she never asked for, because if she noticed piles of plates she'd surely throw one at me.

7.20 pm

I dressed in my boyfriend's jeans, and a white short-sleeved shirt with a black collar. I combed my hair, and let it ravel on my back. I put some cherry coloured red lipgloss on, a soft pastel orange blush stick and drew my eyebrows softly. I sprayed perfume all over my outfit, then grabbed my purse, with all my money in it and, my phone, of course. I went straight to the living room waiting for him...

7.30 precise

I heard a knock on my front door. I got up excitedly.. As soon as I opened the door, I saw him dressed in a black buttoned shirt, jeans and boots, with a rolex on his right hand. I was flabbergasted, he looked unreal.

As much as I was impressed by his looks, it appeared that's precisely how he felt about mine too, as his jaw dropped a little and his eyes twinkled a bit.

"Your lips is so red" He commented.

"Uhm.. do you like it?" I muttered as I pretended to fix my hair.

"I love it, even if you're not wearing any makeup, I know how you looked back then, and it doesn't matter."

"Stop being too sweet, I can't take it", I pushed his arms aside softly.

He chuckled, "I'm too honest I guess"

"You are and it's killing me, your sweetness and kindness is unbearable" I confessed the truth about how I feel.

He giggled, "You think so?"

I nodded.


He chuckled, then he started to hold my hands, snaking them back and forth as the two of us made our way out of my neighbourhood.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'll figure it out once we were there"

"Okay" He smiled immensely. Oh gosh, that precious smile of his never failed to make my heart beat steadily.

The two of us started to roam the street food where Tteokboki, fishcake,and lots of street food could be found. The street food market was quite crowded tonight, as predicted, since it was a summer night.

The two of us stopped right in front of the middle aged lady who sells dakkochhi (local dishes consisted of chicken and scallion grilled on a skewer) .

"Five dakkochhi please" Hyunbin said as he pulled his wallet out of his jeans pocket.
The lady simply smiled and nodded as she proceeded to grill. The two of us were waiting for her with smiles plastered on our faces, the excitement was undeniable..

"What about some meat after this?" I asked.

"As you wish.." He smiled.

Not long after that, the lady handed us the dakkochhi separately, three skewers on me and two on him.  Hyunbin then paid in cash. The two of us continued to roam the street food market while consuming our dakkochi.

"Mmmm oh god, so tasty" He commented.

"It is.." I chuckled.

I accidentally bumped into a middle-aged man who was holding a cup of hot coffee. It caused the hot coffee to spill all over my jeans. Everyone is looking at me...

"You little rat. Watch your step!" He yelled angrily at me.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't know you were holding a cup" I bowed as I apologised to him.

"How come you didn't see it? I save my money for this exclusive coffee and you totally ruined-"

"Sir how much is the coffee?" Hyunbin interrupted him.

He stared at Hyunbin in displeasure, "Youngsters nowadays are so impolite.. never mind that. You two need to behave."

He then scoffed upsetly as he walked away from us.

"Ugh, that old jerk. Seriously, my jeans is ruined now"

"Don't mind him. He must've lived a miserable life to get mad over something like that. He could buy the coffee again, besides, it is you who spilled all over", he replied.

"Right. Selfish old jerk.. his clothes was so clean"

"I understand that he must be upset, but the way he yelled at you was not it. That's an exaggeration"

"Totally" I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just get some wet tissues from minimarket" He pulled my wrists softly as the two of us jogged towards the minimarket across the road.

I'M THAT JEALOUS GFWhere stories live. Discover now