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3 months later

Ever since that first encounter, the two of us have formed a strong bonded friendship. He was the sweetest, most polite boy I've ever come across. Thankfully, ever since I befriended him, the neighbourhood kid who often bullied him abruptly stopped because we were seen playing together often. There's this girl too that was with us at some points, but mostly it's just the two of us.

That Sunday afternoon, I was at his house. His house was quite traditional, with sliding doors and there were no dining chairs inside the dining table, everyone was sitting on the mat.
I recalled his parents were outside at that moment, and he owned a cute white rabbit whom he named "Haenguni" .

"What did you feed her with?"

"Grass, or hay, that's their food" He replied.

"Oh nice. I thought rabbit loved carrots" I commented

He chuckled, "No, it's a myth actually"

"Where did your parents got the grass?" I asked.

"Well, my mum would take her to an open field and let her eat for as long as she could bear"

"Wow no wonder she's round and big" I stated jokingly, the two of us then chuckled.

"You wanna go there?" He asked.

"Sure.." I smiled ecstatically.

He then carried Haenguni in his arms, and the two of us exited his residence, which was located inside a small alley. He resided in a precarious area where local punks were often seen hanging out, hence making him viewed as an easy target. He was soft spoken,well mannered, and a sweet soul that didn't deserve to live in such places.

We reached the open field not far from his neighbourhood. It was an open field filled with grass, he then squatted while petting Haenguni, rubbing her head with affection.

"Everytime you come close to me,
Everytime I'm feeling you,
It feels so extra ordinary"

Oh god, how soft, calming and beautiful his voice was. I never heard him singing until that day.

He then let Haenguni jump out of his arms. She then jumped out of sight.

"Hey, what if she gets lost?" I asked

He stood up, turned around and said, "She won't, she recognised me so well."

"Ooh wow, she's so cool"

He chuckled, "Yeah"

"What do you want to be in the future?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Ugh.. I'm still figuring that out. What about yourself?"

"Same here. I guess, we're too young to figure that out"

He chuckled, "Yeah. Let's wait for some more years"

"but what I have on mind is probably a teacher" He added.

"Totally suits you" I commented.

"Why is that?"

"You're like a patient and calm person.. I wonder if you're ever getting angry at all"

He chuckled a little, "Oh come on, of course I do"

"Really? Then show me how your angry version are like"

"I can't, I'm not angry right now.. in fact I'm really happy" He smiled immensely.

My eyes darted at his as he smiled at me, he never avoided eye contact, he was staring right at me and there was no hesitation in his jolly smile. I quickly glanced at the grass, pretending to look away...

"Everytime you come close to me,
Everytime I'm feeling you,
It feels so extra ordinary" He repeated that same tune that he sang previously with the same soft vocals that melted my soul. I knew he did it on purpose, so when I heard him, I learned about him deeper. My heart fluttered, I didn't know what to do or react in such a situation.

"I love your voice" I muttered coyly.

"Thank you, you're special to me"

My heart skipped a beat, what's that supposed to mean? We're too young to do anything romantically... our eyes darted at each other for a split seconds.

"You're really nice to me, that's why I sing that song for you" He confessed.

"Thanks" I smiled sheepishly. God, that's the best gift I've ever received. Being kind costs nothing to people that deserve it and, in return, you'll get more.

"Can I give you a hug?" He asked for my permission.

I smiled and nodded, he then approached me, then proceeded to hug me softly. My heart raced, his soft vanilla scent lingering around my nostrils ...

5 days later

Like a scene out of drama, 5 days after hanging out on the open field where we were simply enjoying ourselves and playing with Haenguni, I received a letter from him right after I returned from school. My mum didn't know the contents because on the envelope he wrote tiny words stating "only Ha Eun should open the letter"..

Ha Eun..
Having you walk into my life is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I've no words to express the importance of our friendship.

Thanks for being such a special, generous, graceful, vulnerable, fantastic person. It's a wonder you're also a blast to be around. You epitomise kindness and always make me feel like a respected human being..

You're extra ordinary, you made me laugh and smile even when you're not around because your memory stuck in my brain

I hate to break this shocking news to you so much so that it took days for me to finally writing this because I've got no time left.

I'll be moving to Seoul this week, unfortunately.. I'm deeply sorry...
I'll try to stay in touch by sending you letters.
I'll miss you terribly..

Til we meet again,


My soul and heart were ripped apart after reading his letter. Aside from feeling emotional due to how sweet and lovely he was, to learn that he was no longer here shattered me the most. I broke down in tears, the letter was half wet from all the tear drops, why so sudden, why did he have to relocate somewhere else?? Sooner or later we'll be strangers again and that hits hard because I'm already secretly in love with him...

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