the kegger

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I was all ready for the kegger so me and Jay went and got to get the tap and keg, pope and kie got the cups and John b well he drove me and jay.

we start to set up and me and jay do a shotgun race and ofc I won but that was earlier right now everyone is here and I finished on my drink duty and it's time to relax and watch the stars.

as I'm sitting watching the stars I feel a presence next to me I guessed it was jay but I look over and see him with some blonde bitch of course as I watch him laugh with her and her hand on his shoulder, there it was again the jealousy I kept feeling recently but I hear someone clear there throat which snapped me away from staring, I look over to see a guy he has brunette hair with gorgeous brown eyes I smile and say "what's ur name"

"you don't know my name"

"No I know ur name i just wanna know If u know ur name"

"Jake" I raise my eyebrows and he clears his throat and goes "holloway" he says

I laugh and go "right okay okay"  putting my attention back too jj cause this guy probably just wants sex

"Haley Freeland right" he says to me making me immediately whip my head to him confused on how he knows me

"How did you know my name" I say looking at him confused

he laughs and says "ur like the most popular girl on outerbanks all the guys are after u, is this new information oh and just to clarify I'm not one of those guys I'm more of a personality guy I came over because of the way u was looking at the stars u was like mesmerised" I smile at how fast he is talking like he is nervous

at least it's confirmed he isn't here for sex like every guy on obx

"Breathe I won't bite also can I show u something about the stars since I'm so mesmerised by them" I say with a big smile as he nods and we both look up

"now I know why u looked at them with so much admiration it's beautiful" he says putting his arm around my shoulder

I smile and says "did u know that the bottom two stars in the Little Dipper point to..."

"The North Star" he finishes my sentence I can't lie this man is making me fall in love

"Yeah I know it is the centre point right where everything else spins around" i look at him amazed while he is speaking it's like he's the double of me I need to know him now

"hey, are u a kook or a pouge" I say curious cause if he's a kook I'm out of here rafe was enough never again

he chuckles and says "it's ur lucky day I'm a pouge I know u tend to not go for kooks apparently that's why there all such dickheads" I laugh

I carried on asking him questions he asked me some i could also feel eyes on me the whole time and I knew it was jay but I was having the best time ever until I hear someone shouting and I can tell from across the world who is shouting

"I'm so sorry but I really have to go I think my friends are starting a fight the usual" I smile kissing his cheek "goodbye jake" I say while jogging off

" wait I haven't got ur number" I hear him shout as I get to the crowd I hear topper shout dirty pouges and that was it John b turned around and knocked him out  damn I'm proud of my boy he learnt from the best me

"John b no" I hear kie shout as I walk to jj he quickly looks at me and goes "where's your boyfriend" and he walks away near pope he such a jealous dick sometimes I scoff and just stand next to kie cause I'm not focussing on that idiot right now.

"Babe,babe,babe,babe" I hear Sarah going making me roll my eyes cause come on now is that really gonna stop a fight calling him babe bffr

"We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope says as I watch topper and John b act like they are a pair of kids fighting over a toy making me laugh
"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you
like your old man, all right?" Topper says making my smile drop that's when I storm over a punch topper to get him off I kick him in the stomach making him fall while John b gets up topper quickly pushes me away making me hurt my side
I hear kie scream my name as she helps me up and says "don't do that babes u could have got seriously hurt" I laugh and says "kiara it's topper the worst he could do is make a tiny red little mark on me" she laughs "idk how u do it hales there is a fight and ur making jokes come on let move away" so we stand to the side.

jealousy || JJMAYBANK FANFIC Where stories live. Discover now