the marsh

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"This is empty. You guys took empty tanks" Kie says annoyed looking at me and jhon b we both just shrug confused.

I move away from jj and go to look at them and see one Is quarter full which is fine for one of us I think so I say "Okay, guys this one is quarter full" as I hold the tank up.

"It's enough for one of us" pope says conforming what I thought which makes sense cause he was reading this book once about it and he kept telling me facts that was part of something he said that I didn't get the rest I zoned out.

"Love it when a plan comes together" jj says as he rolls his eyes all dramatically making me roll my eyes at him.

"Dose anybody know how to dive" the brunette girl asks us looking around before she stares at me "Anybody??" she says raising her eyebrows hoping I know which I guess I kinda do rafe took me on a date once and we got drunk and he taught me how to dive but once again I was drunk so...

"It's kinda a kook sport" Jay pipes up

"I have done it well not really I was 14 and drunk" i say making pope and jb laugh but kie shakes her head and jj gives me evils where he is either concerned or he knows rafe taught me...

so I just shake my head slowly as he says "Your definitely not doing it hales" making me just roll my eyes at his protectiveness.

"I read about it" pope says unsure of that he actually wants to do it but will if he has to.

"Great, hales learnt it drunk and pope read about it so someone is gonna die" Kie sighs

"I will do it im obviously gonna do it better than pope I actually physically did it" I say only getting  an evil stare from jay.

"Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe, How hard can it be?" the brunette boy shrugs making pope completely disagree

"If you come up to fast, nitrogen gets into your blood and you get the bends" he says going all smarty pants again but making me laugh and jj smirk slightly

"Bends like, bend over and....." jay trails off as he acts it out making me laugh knowing it can't be that and he just looks like a moron rn

"The bends kill you" pope says sternly, making me laugh more at how stupid the blonde is sometimes.

"guys I'll dive it's fine" I add in as kie nods so dose pope but jj just quickly shuts it down "Your not diving" he says seriously

"Right. I can....I can dive" jhon b says sounding like he's tryna convince himself not us

"You can dive, im cool with that" the blonde boy says smiling at me

"What, you allow him but not me, you sexist cunt" I say annoyed jj just shakes his head

"No I just care if you die more than him no offence jhon b" he says

"None taken, I'll do it it's fine your boyfriend is protecting you hales" he says making me snort and hit him round the head as jj just scratches his neck awkwardly.

"Let me do some calculations real quick" pope says as he works it out in his head so I smirk and start shouting "forty, ten, six, fifteen, nine, thirty three, twen..." as kie slaps her hand round my mouth shutting me up all I see is pope staring at me trying not to laugh but at the same time annoyed at me so I wiggle my eyebrows at him "seriously are you five years old hales" she says going all mum like I just nod my head agreeing I am five

Pope carries on "The boats about thirty feet down so I'll take twenty five minutes at the depth" looking at jhon b who just nods trying to understand

"Twenty five minutes" I repeat to jhon b making him just glare at me yeah I think he got it the first time

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