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I wake up to see rafe on the floor asleep making me smile softly at the thought he didn't just climb in next to me like he normally would of

I sit up thinking about everything right now how I can be dead any minute now but honestly that didn't scare me it's the fact the last time I saw jj I feel like something was off between us or maybe I'm going crazy and overthinking it right now cause my life is on the line

I look down towards rafe to see he is still asleep I stand up slowly and quietly trying not to wake him as I walk over to the window as I start banging on it to get the guards attention

"hey, hey I need too talk to mr Singh" I say quietly "hey go get mr Singh make yourself useful for once!" I say in a whisper shout now because he isn't listening to me

"what are you doing?" rafe says making me sigh but carry on

"hey, you! Bald man out there I need to talk to mr Singh!" I say still banging on the window when rafe jumps up quickly

"Shutup, Shutup, Shutup, Shutup" rafe says but I carry on banging on the window

"hey hales what the hell you doing?" He says to me as I turn to look at him

"like I owe you an explanation" I say pushing past him and walking to the door

"think for a second! hales what are u doing!" He says as I bang on the door "hello!" I shout

"hey! what the fuck are u doing!"rafe says coming closer to me as I put my hand up

"don't fucking talk to me!" I shout as he backs away from me and I bang on the door more when I see him stand next to me towering over me as I turn to my side a bit looking up to him

"you're lying about this diary thing, you know where it is" rafe says as I shake my head at him

"no, I don't" I say walking back past him again

"You don't? Okay" he says unconvinced

"you wish" I say as he scoffs and I start banging on the window again

"Okay hales listen I wouldn't tell me either but he's never gonna believe we don't know something, all right listen hales! Singh killed that...." He says his voice getting louder and louder making me scoff turning around

"Shut the fuck up rafe !" I shout as he sighs backing away from me

"look around us, hales I'm the only friend you got" he says as I shake my head at him when suddenly the door opens making me walk to the guard

"hales don't!" rafe says as I look back to him before the guard

"I need to talk to mr Singh, I have something to tell him and it's urgent" I say looking back to rafe one last time as he looks to me shaking his head as I sigh following the guard



"what is that" Sarah says sitting up looking at me as I am on the phone in my hand trying to see if there is something I can find to help hales on it

"this is a little souvenir that I plucked from portis pocket" I say as she looks at me on disbelief

"you have a phone!" She says as I sigh

"I forgot I had it, it was in my back pocket that's my bad" I say as kie scoffs

"you're kidding?" kie says as I shrug

"oh my god, dude can we go anywhere without you stealing something!" pope says as I smile

"you know the answer to that one pope" i say as pope shakes his head

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