definition of love

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"rafe wake up" I whisper as he opens his eye looking at me confused 

"go back to sleep" he mumbles out as I shake my head pulling him so he gets up

"I need to go home" I say as he looks at me confused again

"home to the chateau? why do you wanna go there" rafe says as I shake my head

"no home to my mother" I say as he shakes his head scoffing

"no fucking way" he says as I roll my eyes

"you haven't got a choice get your keys come on" I say walking out the room as he sighs grabbing his keys following me

we got on his bike my arms around his waist as he looks back to me

"you on properly?" he says as I nod

"just drive you simp" I say as he laughs shaking his head as we drive off to my house

we arrive and I get off when he goes to as well

"hold up your not coming" I say shaking my head

"yes the hell I am as if I'm gonna get you go in there with her alone" he says as I sigh

"just get on the bike and drive off" I say as he sighs

"call me" he says as I nod when the next minute I felt his lips on my lips and I didn't stop it after a good 15 seconds I quickly pull away but not quick enough then I should have

"yeah" I say as if I have a phone he is such a idiot

I watch him drive off before I start walking to the door my hand on the handle taking a deep breath before opening the door to see her on the sofa passed out making me scoff when I see a bottle of vodka on the table next to three containers with pills and a joint

I look to see her fast asleep well passed out before I grab the containers not reading them just taking two pills from each and shoving them into my pocket before taking the half empty vodka and the joint and going into my room locking the door

I open up the bottle and just chugging down loads as it burns down my throat making me stop, coughing before I take the joint lighting it up and taking a pull

after finishing the joint and most of the vodka I felt complete out of it but I reached into my pocket taking one of the pills and just swallowing it with the vodka down and waiting for it to kick in as if I'm not already completely fucked

I get up putting on some music and just dancing around my room as I take one more of the little pills and chug down the last bit of vodka dropping the bottle to my bed

I felt complete euphoric as I spun around to the music that was until it went pitch black

I feel someone shaking me as they shout my name I open my eyes slowly to see a blond mop of hair as I lay in his arms

"oh thank fuck" he whispers out as I start to panic

"hey it's okay I'm here" he says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear when I look in his ocean blue eyes to see the worry in them

"sup" I say as he lets out a little laugh shaking his head

"don't do that to me hales" he whispers out kissing my forehead as he holds me close in his arms

"what happened" I whisper out before quickly sitting up and grabbing the bin near and throwing up as I feel my hair get held backwards

"what happened is I found you passed out on the floor" he says as I wipe my mouth with a random top near me and coughing as he lets go of my hair

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