boat day pt 2

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"Guys... I think there's a boat down there." pope says

"Shut up" jb says thinking he is joking

What?" I say not believing it

"No way" kie adds

"No, no guys I'm serious there is a boat down there"
"For real" he says which is when I'm starting to think maybe he isn't joking.

I get up to go look and notice he is right, wait a damn second is it the boat maybe I saw yesterday surfing nah it can't be no way right?...

"Holy shit, he's right. Let's go" I say stripping my clothes off to go look but I feel eyes on me it's probably jj watching me the pervert he is

"You think there's a dead body down there?" Pope says while me and jb and kie jump in

"Guys, wait up!" He says

"Whoo!" kie says

"Get your ass in here!" I say to pope since he is taking ages and I wanna go see the boat I'm to impatient for this.

"Come on!" Jb says while pope jumps in

we all swim down under to the boat I get a good look at it and see it's a Grady white shit the boat I saw yesterday was a Grady motherfucking white no fucking way..

I swim back up to get air and notice everyone else is already up.

"You guys saw that right?" jay says

"Yeah" we all say out of breath

"That's a Grady-White a new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy" jay says getting all boat smart I always liked how much he knew on boats cause he would always be so happy while telling me about them.

We all climb back on the boat, jj gives me his hand to help me but I could have done it myself but helpful jj to the rescue

"That's a primo rig" he says

"Yeah That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge with hales and pope u saw it too right h" jb says I just nod in response

"Maybe it hit the jetty or something" he adds

"You surfed the surge?" Kie says looking at me all mum like she is gonna ground me or something it's kinda scary.

"Yeah" I say and so dose jb

"That's my girl. pouge style" jj says to me while doing the handshake with John b
his girl?

but then he turns to me and says "you shouldn't have tho u could have gotten hurt hales"

"Well I didn't I'm fine" he nods and smiles I smile back

"What the heck?" Kie says still mum like but we ignore her

"Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?" Pope says

"No, but we're about to find out." I say seeing John b getting ready to go look

"Dude, it's too deep." jj says making me laugh cause of my dirty mind

"That's what she said" I say laughing

jj looks at me and starts laughing but kie looks at us both and shakes her head so we stop "kie mum mode activated" I whisper to jj making him laugh more but silently this time

"Oh, for the weak and feeble, jj" jb says

"Well, I'm not resuscitating you, I'm just making that clear up front." jj says

"Don't worry I will jb" I say blowing a kiss

"Look at that see it's fine, h will for me" he says catching my kiss making me laugh but I turn to see jj looking at me like he is gonna explode I can't lie I think I made him jealous but why would he be jealous.

"John B" kie says in a all protective mode

"What?" Jb says

she looks like she was gonna say something else but she says "Diver down, fool" you know i get this vibe kie likes him but she would have told me by now if she did so maybe not idk it's weird.

"Diver down" he says smiling at her

"Yeah, he is" jj says while pushing him in the Water but he got hit on the head by kie for doing that.

It had been quite a while now

So I say "Should we go get him?" getting worried

"Nah he will be fine unless u wanna go save ur boyfriend" jj says all annoyed Jesus this boy
I can't keep him happy one minute he's annoyed the next all protective and helping me then he is annoyed again and what is with the whole boyfriend thing he knows I'm not with John b ew imagine but like what did I do now.

I see kie look at me all confused I shrug my shoulders and was about to comment back but John b comes up

"Oh, my God. That took forever!" Kie says

"U good" I say to him he nods to me

"Any dead bodies?" Pope says ofc that's what he says as the first thing

"Looting potential?" Jj says

"No. No."
"I found this motel key." he says

"A key." Pope says

"Yes, a key, Pope" jb says

"Great! We salvaged a motel key." jay says

"Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard." Kie says

"Maybe we'll get a finder's fee." I say excitedly

" Yeah, and not work all summer." jj says

"Thanks, Agatha, ya batch."

I hope u guys are all okay I hope u like this chapter sorry it's quite short.
love Izzy ❤️

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