the compass..

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"There he is!" jj says spotting jhon b

"Oh, God! Jesus Christ!" kie says

"Don't scare us like that!"

"How'd it go down there?" I say curious

"Uh..." he says tryna catch his breath

"Did you find anything?" JJ says eagerly to know

"Did I find anything?" Jb says as he throws something up onto the boat as he climbs up

"Yeah, there we go! That's my boy!" Jay says with a big smile

"Jeez, dude!" pope says

"Dude!" I say I help jb on the boat

"You okay?" Kie says

"Yeah, I ran out of air" he responds taking the tanks off

"You scared the shit out of me" I say

"Yeah, the cops were up here,but, uh... took care of 'em" jay says as I look at him

"You mean I took care of them"  as he just looks at me and shrugs with a smile

"My bad" jb says

"You're all good" pope says

"Yeah, you kinda missed the show, brother me and hales are apparently dating" jj says raising his eyebrows at me so I just shove him away from me as jhon b snaps his head to look at us and I shake my head letting him know we aren't actually and he nods

"Hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o'clock." kie says  making me look over to the boat

"What?" jay says going to stand next to me

"Do you recognize that boat?" pope says

"I've never seen it." I respond

"What are they doing here? The marsh is closed" kie says

"I don't know but let's not stick around and find out" jay says putting his hand on my shoulder

"JJ, get the bowline"

He nods saying "Yeah" and going to do it

"Should we wait on them?" pope says to jb

"No, we're not"

"hales go get the stern. Go!" He tells me as he starts the boat

"Are you joking? JJ, hurry up" kie says

"Guys, don't wait for me. Go" jay says

"Let's go!"

" I don't like the look of this." Jb says

"Are they coming for us?" the blonde boy says as I stand near kie

"Maybe they're fishing" pope says tryna make up a reason there driving right towards us

"Go, go, go, go!" Jj says walking over next to me
- Go into the marsh.

"Let's go!" I say

"I'm going. Act natural" jb says to me

"Hey, guys, they're following us" kie says making me look behind at them

"This can't be good" pope says worried

"Shit" I say as jj holds my hand comforting me I look up and he looks at me with a smile and a nod to tell me it will be okay

"Dude, you gotta go faster!" jj says looking away from me and at the boat

"I'm going!" Jb says back

"Gun it!" I say getting anxious now

We turn another corner and I look to see them still following the next minute there's a gunshot I feel jj quickly push me down holding me underneath him to body guard me our noses touching.

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