11| baby's first steps

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Most of the time during the day, Natasha would be running about after Y/n, as the girl seriously wouldn't stop crawling. It was wonderful when she learnt because she could now go places on her own, to get toys and stuff, but oh god, the baby hasn't stopped since she started.

"That's why, we stop when mama tell you" Natasha sighs scooping her daughter up in her arms, Y/n was rapidly crawling away from Natasha, not paying attention to where she was going and ended up crawling right into the edge of the wall.

Y/n cried clutching the front of her head, looking at Natasha as if to ask her to fix it, Natasha placed a gentle hand on the back of Y/n's head, bringing it down to rest on her shoulder and give her baby a kiss on the front of her head.

"All better?" Natasha asked grazing her thumb over the red spot of Y/n's forehead, Y/n stared into Natasha's eyes before letting out a tired yawn, turning her head so her face was in Natasha's neck.

"Not nap time yet baby, why don't we see uncle Thor" Natasha said pulling Y/n back out of her hold so she was face to face with her, Natasha started walking back into the kitchen where Y/n had previously escaped, settling her back down in her highchair.

"Hello there small child" Thor said shaking the hair at the top of Y/n's head, Y/n's head looked up at she tried grasping Thor's hand but it was taken away before she got the chance.

Thor was at first teasing Y/n with her finger to her face as she tried to grab but pulled t away before her tiny hands could get a hold of it, it wasn't long before Y/n was sick of the game and screamed, high pitch at the top of her lungs.

Natasha sighed slowly turning around just to catch Y/n hitting Thor the face, Natasha placed her butter knife down, storming over to Y/n and grabbing her hands before she could strike Thor again.

"We don't hit" Natasha said strictly, Y/n let out a whine trying to pull her hand away from Natasha's, Natasha dropped it and immediately apologised to Thor, who shook it off saying he was too mighty to feel a small smack, to which Natasha rolled her eyes to.

"You hungry babe?" Natasha asks bringing her plate and sitting down at the table, Y/n sat at the top of the table in her highchair as Natasha sat on the first chair, she slid the food she made for Y/n off her plate and onto Y/n's little table.

Y/n reached out taking the food in her hand and mushing it through her fingers with a giggle before stuffing it in her mouth, Natasha rolled her eyes playfully and got to eating her own she reached for the newspaper in front of her and read through it.

It was a peaceful breakfast, so far, that was before Natasha got smacked in the face with Y/n's breakfast, her head shot up and she sent a glare to Y/n's way who was staring innocently at her mother.

"Stop with the throwing and hitting please, it's not very nice" Natasha said calmly, Y/n stared at her, slowly rising her hand and shoving the rest of her food in her mouth. Luckily, Y/n wasn't throwing anymore and just kept on chomping away.

Natasha finished the paper and her breakfast, as did Y/n. Natasha put all the dirty plates away before taking Y/n out her highchair and going through to her office with her, normally in mornings, she'd go to Wanda, but she's on a mission at the moment.

After Y/n was born, Natasha was worrying about starting work again so now she was starting off slow with just some documents, placing Y/n on the floor on top her little playing mat she made her way to her desk and sat down with a soft sigh.

It took a while for Y/n to play, for the first ten minutes she sat staring at Natasha, every time Natasha would look up to her computer from the paper she'd just see her baby's eyes looking right at her, after a while it got a bit uncomfortable but Y/n saw the toys around her and started to play.

A loud bang made Y/n jump, Natasha's fist coming in contact with the desk as she angrily started to type away again, Y/n's bottom lip poked out as she moved to her knees, feeling confident, she tried standing up on her feet holding onto the sofa beside her.

As the assassin was focused on her typing, she barely noticed her girl standing up, but when her focused moved to her daughter, her face became less tense and a smile was plastered on her face think that her girl was gonna walk now.

"Come here baby, come to mama" Natasha said holding her arms out, Y/n giggled letting go of the sofa and falling back down on her bum making Natasha sigh and move back onto her work.

Y/n kept giving her mother little glances while she worked, she watched as her face would crumple up and she'd look at Y/n and give her a soft smile making Y/n giggle and babble away again.

"God damnit" Natasha shouted using her fist to smack the table again, once more Y/n jumped and looked up seeing her mother more stressed as she was a few moments ago. Y/n pushed herself back up to her feet using the sofa, this time Natasha saw nothing so Y/n decided to make her move.

Y/n took one step forward, she gripped the sofa, staring right up to Natasha. She then let go of the sofa, taking her next step, she wobbled a bit but kept up right. What she didn't know, was that Natasha had seen all this, she didn't show it though, she clearly knew that if she was encouraging Y/n, she'd just fall back down onto her bottom.

"Mm" Y/n hummed sticking her fingers in her mouth and taking some faster steps, she got so close before Natasha surprisingly turned her body, scooping Y/n into her arms making the little girl scream loudly.

"Look at you! Oh, my big girl" Natasha shouted happily turning Y/n on her side and blowing raspberries into her tummy, Y/n squealed again kicking her legs and trying to push her hands on Natasha's chest, her hands landing on Natasha's breasts.

Her little tongue poked out as she started tugging on Natasha's shirt, her focus now completely on her milk source. Natasha looked down confused at the silence from her daughter, rolling her eyes playfully when she saw that Y/n was trying to get into her shirt.

"How about we celebrate your first steps and not my boobs!" Natasha joked taking her daughters hands off her breast and clapping them together earring a not so happy scream from the one year old.

Natasha sighed turning Y/n on her side again and pulling up her shirt, she unclipped her bra at the back with one hand and helped Y/n latch on. She rolled her chair forward again, using one hand to type and write and using the other to hold her girl tightly.

Y/n grunted when Natasha's shirt fell on her face, Natasha was too busy with her work to notice so Y/n pinched her to get her attention, but Natasha couldn't be angry when she looked down and saw her shirt covering her girls face and when she removed it getting a cute and sweet smile from the girl.



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