126| too much work

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These last few weeks had been a bit crazy, Natasha was in and out of the compound. Y/n was not a fan of this, she barely got anytime with her mother on her own, she'd get about half an hour with her and that was at bedtime when she was tucking her in

"Mama" Y/n whispered, shaking Natasha's arm. It was past the middle of the night and Y/n found herself in her mothers bedroom, Natasha was exhausted with all the work she had been doing recently and usually shes a light sleeper but all the extra work has tired her out.

"Mommy" Y/n whispered angrily digging her nails into Natasha's arm and shaking her, Natasha sat up from the bed quickly hissing whilst she grabbed her arm in pain, she looked at Y/n with an angry expression and looked at her arm which had nails marks in.

"What are you doing hurting me at this time in the morning, i'm exhausted" Natasha hissed, Y/n stroped and stomped her foot on the floor before running out the room, Natasha sighed and shook her head before lying back down and falling straight back into her deep slumber.

Y/n ran down to Wanda's room, bursting into the room. She slammed the door behind her which was enough to wake Wanda up, the woman sat up with her hair all over the place as she rubbed her eyes trying to figure what all this banging was.

"Wan Wan" Y/n cried running over to the side of Wanda's bed, she wrapped her arms around her waist and pressed her face between her thighs, Wanda grumbled something before reaching over and lifting Y/n up onto the bed, she ran her hand up and down her back comfortingly.

"What's the matter pea? It's so late, your little body should be asleep right now" Wanda said bringing Y/n into her chest, Y/n mumbled into Wanda's chest but the woman didn't quite catch what she was saying so she just hummed too tired to ask again.

"Wanda" Y/n sobbed loudly, Wanda physically jumped from how loud Y/n shouted, Wanda sat back up. Y/n never called her Wanda it was always Wan Wan, she couldn't remember when Y/n ever called her Wanda, Wanda asked what was wrong again, hopefully she could get to the bottom to go back to sleep.

"Mommy shouted at me" Y/n sobbed sniffling back her snotty tears, Wanda hummed and reached over grabbing a tissue and wiping up her face, Y/n sobbed more and more, Wanda's head was aching and her crying was making it worse.

"Can we deal with it tomorrow, i'm so tired Y/n" Wanda said, Y/n sobbed harder sliding off of Wanda's bed and leaving her room, making sure to slam her door again showing her just how angry she was, she walked past Natasha's room and kicked her door before running downstairs.

She plopped herself on the sofa and took a blanket, throwing it over herself, turning the tv on and switching on the first Disney film that her eyes caught, Y/n was asleep before the movie properly started, she was found the next morning by a very tired Natasha.

"What are you doing on the sofa?" Natasha mumbled sitting at the edge of Y/n's feet, slowly, Y/n sat up, she glared at Natasha going to stand up, she still had the blanket with her but with Natasha sitting on the end, she ended up slipping whilst trying to get away.

Natasha tried her hardest to hold back her laughter as she daughter face planted the floor, Y/n started sobbing harshly into the floor, she was angry and now she was just upset. Natasha reached forward and tugged her daughter onto her lap, Y/n cried into her chest.

"Why are you working so much" Y/n's voice wobbled with sobs, Natasha frowned and tucked a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear as she cried, she was coughing and spluttering all over the place, Natasha grabbed a tissue and cleaned her face up a little bit.

"I'm keeping you safe Y/n, i'm doing it for you. What was thing about last night?" Natasha asked holding her arm up, her arm was all red and the marks from Y/n's nails were very clear now, they were very red around them, Y/n looked down her face full of quilt.

"I'm sorry, you wouldn't wake up though" The girl sniffled wiping her eyes, Natasha raised an eyebrow and sighed shaking her head, Y/n let out a whine and felt herself getting worked up again, tears brimmed her eyes as she tried rubbing them away furiously.

"But you hurt mommy, you didn't have to dig your nails into me" Natasha said placing her hand on Y/n's cheek and wiping away the set of fresh tears that were starting to  fall, Y/n hiccuped and rubbed her eyes to her the tears to stop falling down her face.

"I'm sorry, don't want to hurt mommy" Y/n hiccuped out, Natasha nodded her head and brought Y/n back into her chest, the girl was calming down, that was until Wanda walked into the room, that was when the girl started getting all worked up again.

"Wan Wan was mean last night" Y/n sobbed remembering what happened last night, both Wanda and Natasha sat with a confused look on their face, Y/n was crying and sending glares at Wanda who sat on the sofa looking puzzled and innocent, confused as to what was going on.

"I asked Wan Wan why mommy was working so much and she said 'mhm' then said to go to sleep" Y/n sobbed, Natasha sighed and shook her head, she was being very over dramatic right now. Y/n hid her face in Natasha's chest as Wanda looked at Natasha confused.

"I don't know either, came into my room last night and done that" Natasha said holding her arm out, Wanda came over and sat beside Natasha, looking at her arm and letting out a little gasp and looking at Y/n who was peeking out the side of her chest.

"Mommy i said i am sorry" Y/n sobbed pressing her face back into Natasha's chest, Natasha rubbed her back as her and Wanda spoke about what happened last night, they were both exhausted and no one was in the wrong apart from when Y/n dug her nails into Natasha, slammed Wanda's door, kicked on Natasha's door, so then technically, Y/n was in the wrong.


emosh but it's okay we like to cry

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