84| the easter bunny

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Last night was a hard one for the team, as it was every year, they were making a small easter egg hunt for the kids. Last year was a smaller one so they wanted this year to be good, painted paw prints were left at the back door and 1000 eggs were scattered about the garden.

Tony insisted on 1000, Wanda and Natasha found it ridiculous but he was eager to make it. The garden was massive, so hopefully they'd all find a few and maybe even some of these ones next year if they're lucky, all adults just threw them about the place, no knowing where they land.

After they were all done in the garden, they got all the bags and placed them on the kitchen island, they were full of chocolate easter eggs and Tony wanted to make an easter egg pyramid, so of course he went full out and got 100 chocolate easter eggs.

He just knew how excited the kids were going to be, hyper but excited so it was okay. Natasha wasn't a big fan of the amount of chocolate he was buying for Y/n but it was easter so she let it happen.

Wanda was more of a child, she was excited to see how the pyramid turned out, and she was excited to eat all the chocolate afterwards, her sons won't eat it all, meaning she gets the leftovers all for herself, that was what she was looking forward too.

"This is ridiculous" Natasha sighed pinching the bridge of her nose as Tony and Wanda created the stack of eggs, Steve stood beside her and laughed as Clint came running into the room for the 6th time, knocking over the whole stack they'd just made. With her powers, Wanda chucked Clint out the room and locked all the doors around them that could lead to the kitchen.

"I'm going to bed, hope this is done by the morning, goodnight" Natasha spoke before walking out the kitchen door, Wanda locked it up again straight after when she saw Clint trying to make a run for it into the kitchen, but running into the door.

Natasha sighed at his childish behaviour and went upstairs to head to bed, but being stopped by a little body running into her. She bent down and tucked the loose strands of hair behind her daughters ears, asking what she was doing up.

"Need mama" Y/n whispered and wrapped her arms around Natasha's neck, she frowned and lifted Y/n up onto her front as she made her way to her bedroom, locking the door behind her as the boys have started to come into her room in the mornings for some reason.

"Mama's here" Natasha whispered, laying down in bed with her daughter tightly secured in her arms. She kissed her head a few times, running her hand up and down her back, hoping to get her back to sleep, it worked after a while and she fell over soon after.

When morning came, Natasha felt excited for easter, this year was big and she was ready to see Y/n's reaction to everything. She only wanted what was best for her girl, she wanted to give her every single good thing in the world, but she couldn't so she done what she could.

Due to her past, Natasha never had these traditions but after joining the avengers, they've shown her what's it like and she fell in love with it, her favourite being Christmas because it was just a time where most were happy.

"Y/n, sweetheart. Wakey wakey, easter bunny has came" Natasha gasped and shook her daughters body, Y/n's eyes snapped open and she sat up immediately, her hair pointing in all directions from her weird sleeping positions making Natasha laugh as she reached forward and attempted to flatten it down slightly.

"Easter chocolate bunny?" Y/n slurred tiredly, her mouth was barely open as she spoke which made Natasha laugh, Natasha nodded her head and stretched her arms out with a little groan and a big yawn, Y/n looked up and laughed at her before mimicking her cheekily.

"Don't copy me" Natasha poked her daughter making both of them laugh, Natasha slipped out of bed and took Y/n's hand, leading her to the bathroom to get their teeth done quickly, the quicker they do them to quicker they go down stairs, Natasha could hear Wanda waking up the boys so they had to hurry.

"Done!" Y/n squealed throwing her toothbrush back into the pot and letting Natasha wash her face and rinse her mouth, the girl pulled away from Natasha and tugged her hand, pulling her out her bedroom and waiting at the top of the stairs for the boys.

"Hi Y/n!" Billy said toddling over to her, the girl smile and impatiently waited for Tommy who came out the bathroom at full speed, running into his brother. Wanda came out her room with a sigh, rubbing her hands through her hair, Natasha and Wanda nodded letting their kids go.

The boys slipped down the stairs on their stomachs as Y/n went down as fast as she could, holding the banister. She could already here the boys screaming so she sped up and jumped from the last stairs before running into the room the boys were in.

"Mommy look!" Y/n squealed covering her mouth with her hands and pointing to the pyramid of chocolate eggs, Natasha smirked at Wanda and nodded her head to Y/n. All kids decided to take an egg from the bottom, all taking one causing the entire thing to fall.

"Uh oh" Wanda mumbled with a laugh, Natasha put her phone down and covered her mouth with her hand, the kids looked at their mothers wondering why the were so shocked, they were supposed to knock down the massive chocolate easter egg pyramid, weren't they?

"Did you knock down my pyramid!" Tony shouted coming out of his hiding space, the kids screamed, Y/n dropping her egg and running over to Natasha, wrapping her arms around her waist, when she saw Tony she let go and laughed running back to her easter egg, she picked another up and launched it at his head.

"Who's up for an easter egg hunt?" Tony asked, the kids gasped and raised their arms jumping up and down shouting they were ready, Tony smirked at Natasha who shook her head slightly as Wanda took all the kids outside, the avengers were already out there waiting for them.

"Get ready, to find your eggs!" Steve said, he had a whistle and when Natasha came outside he blew it, Y/n sprinted off and knelt down on her knees grabbing all the eggs she could, that went on forever, the more they look, the more eggs they found.

Tommy, Billy and Y/n were all happy, they were still looking for eggs now, they were able to spot them in the bushes, in the water fountain, the playground and the treehouse floor, due to not being able to climb the tree house they were scattered about.

"Hello" Y/n could've sworn she heard a voice, she placed her arm around Billy and Tommy as she looked about, she couldn't have been imagining it as both Tommy and Billy both looked as equally confused, they stayed were they were but tried their best to look around them.

"Hey hunny bunnies!" Tony shouted, popping out of his hiding space in a massive easter bunny costume, Y/n screamed at the top of her lungs, the boys let out loud cries and turned around running back over to their mothers, their buckets of eggs being completely forgotten and their happiness replaced with fear.

"Mo-mommy, over th-ere" Y/n sobbed harshly, she was clutching onto Natasha's shirt so tight that her knuckles were starting to turn white, Natasha shared a look with Wanda as she also comforted her two boys, Y/n could slightly see the bushes moving and she clung harder onto her mother.

Tony walked out of the bush, still dressed in his suit. Y/n let out another scream followed by a few smaller ones as she wrapped her legs around Natasha, Natasha stood to her feet and held her daughter, who was terrified, in her arms and tried to calm her down.

"Take the stupid thing off!" Natasha shouted, Tony pulled at the head, managing to pop it off. Natasha tried telling Y/n it was Tony but it was no use, she was far to scared, she knew this would be a bad idea, and she'd kill Tony if this out Y/n off of easter forever.


hey hunny bunnies

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