111| silly boyfriend

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After an exciting day at school, Y/n was ready to run home and tell her mother about all the news she had today. She ran out of the school building with a smile on her face, she ran straight into Natasha's arms as she did everyday and gave her a cuddle.

"I have good news mama!" Y/n started, Natasha gasped and rubbed her girls back, but first Miss Kate came over to tell Natasha about Y/n's day which also happened everyday, meltdowns were still happening and bad days still went on but the girl did have good days.

"Brilliant today, small incident with eating lunch but we got past that. I've heard a little secret from this one that i'm sure she's very excited to tell you about" Miss Kate teased looking down at Y/n who was holding Natasha's hand and swinging on her arm.

"Oh she's told me she's got some news, can't wait to be hearing what it is" Natasha chuckled and also looked down at her daughter who was looking up to both adults with a cheeky grin before hiding her face in Natasha's side making them both laugh at her actions.

"See you tomorrow" Miss Kate waved goodbye before disappearing back into the school, Natasha and Y/n waved goodbye and made their way out of the school gates, Y/n was slipping and swinging Natasha's arm excitedly, she was so ready to tell Natasha was her good news was, but she needed privacy.

"Drive faster mama! I'm gonna spill it and we need to be alone!" Y/n shouted kicking her legs against the chair, Natasha shook her head and laughed, Y/n was groaning and sighing at Natasha to hurry but the woman physically couldn't drive any faster right now.

When she arrived in the drive way, Y/n was out quickly and grabbed Natasha's hand, forcefully dragging her into the house, Natasha made her way to the kitchen making Y/n groan, Natasha placed her purse down a grabbed a small cookie from the cookie jar and then followed Y/n upstairs.

"Alright mama, you have to listen very carefully" Y/n said giving her mother a look, Natasha gave Y/n a skeptical one as she chewed on the cookie, Y/n let out a grin and pulled Natasha to sit down on her bed, Y/n crossed her legs and sat to face Natasha.

"Mama is all ears baby, waiting for you to spill your gossip" Natasha teased, Y/n blankly stared at her and shook her head a little bit before sighing, surely Natasha couldn't be mad at it, it was what kids do at that age.

"Mkay, so. Mama, i know you have a girlfriend so you might not know what i'm talking about so now i have this thing called a boyfriend and it's basically a girlfriend but he's just a boy" Y/n explained, Natasha was seriously holding back her laugh at Y/n's words.

"Honey, mama knows what a boyfriend is sweetheart. May i ask who this boy is?" Natasha voice got strangely deeper which made Y/n's eyes widen, she lets out a small smile and shakes her head, Natasha let out a small gasp and stretched her arms aiming straight for Y/n's armpits.

"Tell me his name!" Natasha teased and followed a wriggling Y/n around on the bed, Y/n squealed and screamed shouting for Natasha to let her go but the woman wasn't giving up, even when Y/n started to kick her slightly, she was waiting for the name.

"Daniel! Daniel" Y/n screamed, Natasha quit tickling her daughter and sat up with a raised eyebrow, she'd never heard of a boy called daniel before, she looked at her daughter who had a severely red face and was panting a lot trying to catch her breath.

"I've never heard of a Daniel before" Natasha teased wriggling her eyebrows, the girl kept her mouth shut. A second later she leaped off of the bed and ran straight to the door, she belted her way downstairs and to the living room where all her uncles and Wanda were.

Hearing Natasha behind her, she ran over Thor who was the biggest and tried hiding behind him, yet Thor was probably the most scared of Natasha when she was angry, Y/n squealed and closed her eyes, everyone was laughing at her, Thor saw Natasha's 'angry' face and shivered.

"Wanda!" Y/n screeched and made a jump off of the couch and over to Wanda, her boys were playing on the floor and as soon as they noticed Y/n on Wanda's lap they were up and trying to push her off of it making her whine in frustration.

"Mama knows i have a boyfriend" Y/n whispered in Wanda's ear, Wanda gasped and wiggled her eyebrow and held Y/n tightly, Natasha sat down next to Wanda and Y/n could feel her eyes burning into the back of her head and slowly turned around to look at her.

"Hi mama" She spoke sweetly, Natasha grinned and booped her nose, Y/n lay her head on her aunts shoulder and looked up at her mother with a soft smile, Natasha leant down and kissed her girls head and brushed the hair out of her face and eyes to see her better.

"I'm happy you've got a little love honey, but how come i've never heard of him before baby" Natasha asked, Y/n smiled and shrugged her shoulders reaching forward and twirling a strand of Natasha's hair around her fingers gently and looking into her green eyes.

"He was a secret, and i thought you would get mad" Y/n spoke looking at Natasha nervously, Natasha and Wanda chuckled and Wanda's hand was rubbing Y/n's back and Natasha was wiping the remaining hair that was stuck to Y/n's face, which seemed to be quite a lot.

"I'd never get mad at something like that sweetheart, why would you think i would" Natasha frowned, she didn't want Y/n to keep things from her because she thought she would get mad about it, Y/n hummed and shrugged her shoulders but when Natasha rose her eyebrow she spoke.

"Elsie told her mommy that she had a boyfriend and they said she was too young and was mad at her" Y/n mumbled, Natasha chuckle and kissed her daughters nose earning a smile from her, Natasha reassured her daughter that she'd never be mad unless she done something wrong.

"Y/n has a boyfriend!" Natasha shouted to the team, Y/n groaned and hid her face in Wanda's chest as everyone gasped and started asking questions, Natasha and Wanda were laughing as the boys were freaking out telling Y/n that of the boy done anything he'd get a beating.


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