47| barbecue night

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It was a hot day, not as hot as the day last year but it was still hot. No one liked being hot, they didn't necessarily like to be cold either so they didn't really have an option, they had the pool which was being used, but coming out of it all cold them having to go for a shower afterwards was too much.

So what better way to end the hot day than with a barbecue, it was Y/n's first barbecue as they'd only just brought it back out after a while, obviously before having Y/n the team was busy, very busy saving the world and everything so a barbecue was the last thing on their mind.

Everyone was stoked for the night, they'd been hyped all day and it was really the only conversation that was going on around the house, although Y/n did seem a bit confused as to what a barbecue was.

Due to everyone being so caught up in there conversations, no one could here her speaking which was starting to irritate her a little bit. She let out a low groan, throwing her barbie off to the side before crawling over to where her mother was sitting.

"Hello there" Natasha cooed lifting her girl onto her lap and giving her a cuddle, Y/n hesitantly accepted the cuddle. She was mad that Natasha wasn't answering her question but her mothers hug's would solve everything, Y/n let out a hum before pushing herself back.

"Answer my question now" Y/n pouted crossing her arms over her chest, Natasha wasn't even facing her anyone and was laughing with Clint beside her, which was only making Y/n more angry. She was about to hit Natasha, but second thought that idea when she thought of her consequences.

"MAMA!" Y/n screamed at the stop of her lungs, most people in the room visibly jumped and heads turned to the small girl sitting on Natasha's lap. Natasha's head also turning to Y/n who was now looking at her angrily, her arms still crossed over her chest.

"No screaming Y/n, that wasn't nice" Natasha scolded, Y/n looked into Natasha's eyes, having a little staring contest with her before scrambling off her lap and going back to sitting on the floor, recently Natasha's just been telling her off before knowing what the reason was and it was starting to upset her.

"Hey, why are you crying" Wanda asked moving from her seat and bending down beside Y/n, she ignored Wanda and kept playing with her toys but Wanda lifted her up onto her lap, which was now getting everyone's attention, especially Natasha's.

"Ma-Ma always tell me off and i not do anything wrong" Y/n cried pointing at Natasha who furrowed her eyebrows and moved from the sofa to the space beside Wanda, placing her hand on her daughters back and trying her best to calm her down before she got herself more worked up.

"What do you mean honey, i don't tell you off" Natasha asked taking Y/n out of Wanda's lap and holding her close to her own chest, Y/n kept crying, holding onto her shirt tightly, Natasha was running her hand through her baby's hair and rocking her slightly.

"I was asking you what a barque is, but you wouldn't answer me because you talk to uncle Clint, then when i shout for you, you telled me off and i been asking all day and you ignored me" Y/n cried wiping her face with her small palms.

"Ohh i'm so sorry my baby, you're just so small, i couldn't hear you. I didn't mean to sound like i was telling you off, it just took me by surprise when you shouted hun. I'm not mad at you and i'm sorry" Natasha apologised, Y/n let out a few shaky breaths to stop herself crying then nodded her head.

"Okay, a barbecue is where there is loads of meat on a grill but it's outside and it smells really nice, you know how Uncle Tony and Uncle Bruce are at the store getting some burgers and sausages? Yeah, well they're gonna cook then on the barbecue while we all wait outside" Natasha explained, Y/n nodded her head slowly attempting to take everything in.

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