106| perfection

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Natasha had the challenge of getting Y/n up this morning, it was 4am and they both had to be out the door by 4:30. Y/n had a dance competition and their drive was 2 hours, Natasha wasn't looking forward to it but she needed to do it for her daughter.

Slowly, Natasha got herself dressed after her early shower. Natasha was used to waking up early herself, she used to train and ridiculous hours of the morning before she had Y/n, so it was easier for her than it was for Y/n, who liked waking up in the afternoon.

"Sweetheart, Y/n. Time to wake up honey" Natasha whispered shaking her daughters sleeping figure, Y/n let out a whine and lifted her duvet further up her body and trying her hide herself, Natasha sighed and pulled it back down and rolled Y/n over.

"Please sweetheart, we've got half an hour to get up and ready before we leave" Natasha said shaking her body again, Y/n ignored her mother and kept herself hidden, Natasha sighed and lifted the duvet off of her daughter and lifted her out of the bed and stood her on her feet.

"Get dressed, we leave in half an hour" Natasha said holding Y/n's arms as she rubbed her eyes, Y/n nodded and made her way to the bathroom Natasha let out another sigh and made her way downstairs to make some breakfast for them both.

After 10 minutes, Y/n came down the stairs tiredly rubbing her eyes, she entered the kitchen and took a seat at the island, Natasha only prepared a small breakfast as they both don't eat too much in the morning but Y/n had to have something before she left.

"Are you ready for today?" Natasha asked with a smile moving behind Y/n and tying her hair in a messy braid, she'd have to do her hair when they get to the competition as it'd probably fall out before then and they couldn't risk that happening before the dance.

"Dunno" Y/n mumbled shrugging her shoulders, Natasha faintly smiled and kissed Y/n's cheek. Y/n sighed and rubbed her face, she was far too tired to be up so early in the morning. After breakfast, Natasha made sure they both had everything before quietly leaving the house.

"Can i sit in the front?" Y/n asked, Natasha shook her head and got herself in the car, shutting the door. Y/n groaned but opened the passenger door anyways and climbed in, Natasha told her to move and get into the back before they were late, Y/n didn't agree.

"Get in the back now, or else i'm not taking you" Natasha said, she was also too tired to be putting up an argument. She wanted her way though, she couldn't have her 10 year old in the front for a two hour drive, she needed her to be safe.

"I hate you" Y/n mumbled getting out the car and slamming the door shut, Natasha let out a breath of air and ignored the way Y/n's sentence made her feel. Y/n grumpily got into the back, also slamming the door again, Natasha ignored it and started driving.

The 10 year old had fallen asleep in the back with her head against a pillow that she brought, Natasha was taking glances at her child. Surely she didn't hate her, she was just tired and in a bad mood for being awake so early in the morning.

When Natasha arrived at the competition, she got the bags out first and placed them on the ground by the door and then slowly opened Y/n's door, making sure to hold her head so it wouldn't fall, it was awkward but Natasha managed to unbuckle Y/n and lift her into her arms.

"Shh, i'm just getting you out" Natasha whispered, rubbing Y/n's back as she lifted her out the car. Y/n wrapped her legs around her mothers waist, Natasha picked up the bags and flung them over her shoulders and started to walk into the building.

"I love you" Y/n whispered, she herself felt guilty about saying she hated her mother when she most definitely didn't. Natasha smiled and kissed the girls head, it was hard with no spare hands but she managed to do it, whilst also walking into the changing rooms they needed to be in.

All of Y/n's friends ran over to her and gave her a hug, she tensed up and and kept to herself waiting for everyone to stop touching her, she wasn't in the mood to be touch by anyone right now apart from her mother when she got cuddles.

Natasha helped her girl change into her dance costume and sat her down on a chair in front of a mirror and started working on her hair, Y/n was trying her hardest not to fall back asleep but the tugs from Natasha were keeping her awake right now.

"Stretch lovely" Natasha patted her girls arms, Y/n rushed over to were her friends were and sat down next to them and started to stretch, Natasha caught up with the parents whilst they all waited for their time to dance, they only had to wait 20 minutes until they were on.

"I'll be watching you honey, have fun baby" Natasha whispered and gave Y/n a little kiss patting her tummy, Y/n smiled and hugged her mother before rushing off with her friends towards the stage, Natasha followed the parents out to the crowd and took a seat.

She had a good view of the stage which was good for watching Y/n, when the girl came out Natasha noticed that her eyes were immediately scanning around the room for her mother, finding her in the crowd, she smiled and then put her head down before starting the dance.

The way Y/n danced was beautiful, Natasha loved it. Y/n was the lead quite a bit because she was a wonderful dancer and possibly one of the best, if not the best. Natasha was extremely proud of how successful she was, she stood out so much.

By the end of the dance, Natasha was on her feet clapping her hands and cheering as well as the other parents, Y/n smiled at her mother and parents made their way out of the stands to go back to the dressing room, Y/n was rushing back to the room as she was performing a solo soon.

"You did wonderful baby, now quick change" Natasha brought Y/n behind the curtain and helped her change swiftly, luckily she didn't need to change her hair. All dancers were standing by the side of the stage to watch Y/n, parents were back in the crowd.

Y/n's number and name got called, she walked out and into her starting position. When the music started the girl was dancing, her facial expressions were on point and her toes were pointed and her arms and legs were straight, it was the best Natasha had seen her dance.

The crowd was cheering by the end of Y/n's dance and Natasha was all smiles, she made her way back to the changing room once again to see her little girl. Y/n was sat in a chair smiling and talking to her friends when Natasha walked in.

"Mama!" Y/n squealed excitedly and rushed out of her chair and over to Natasha, wrapping her arms around her upper body and pressing her body into hers. Natasha smiled and rubbed her girls back, placing a firm kiss on the top of her head and cheeks.

"You were brilliant out there sweetheart, you're such a star and i'm so proud of you. You're an amazing dancer Y/n" Natasha chuckled and bent down in front of Y/n was was blushing and smiling, Natasha ran her thumb over her cheek and opened her arms for another hug.



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