147| breakfast with family

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Today was an exciting day for Y/n, her auntie Yelena was coming to the compound for a visit, Y/n absolutely adored Yelena and although Alexei and Melina were also coming all Y/n could focus on was the fact that her auntie Yelena was coming as well.

It had been the top of Y/n's conversations all week and anyone she spoke to, Yelena would be brought into it somehow, no matter what they were talking about before hand, it was like Yelena was a celebrity sometimes in the compound with how often Y/n liked talking about her.

Yelena, Melina and Alexei were arriving very early in the morning, the flights from Russia and getting across was all mixing with the times of day so that's when they would be arriving, although, Natasha was sure that Y/n wouldn't mind being woken up a bit early to see her family.

When everyone did arrive, Natasha was quick to greet them at the door happily, letting them all in, she then proceeded to bring them upstairs to their own floor, they all placed their luggage down and then Natasha started to show them around the place a little.

"Can we see Y/n?" Yelena asked, cutting Natasha off through her sentence, Natasha rolled her eyes sarcastically and nodded her head, making her way down one floor so she was on hers and Y/n's floor, showing the other adults where her daughters bedroom was, slowly opening the door.

The teenager slept no different to how she did all those years ago when she stayed with them, curled in a ball with her bunny and her mouth open, thumb hanging out her mouth, just looking so small, cute and innocent, so much Yelena just wanted to pick her up and cuddle her.

"Y/n, baby. Wake up for mama" Natasha whispered crouching down by the side of her daughters bed and gently pulling her thumb from her mouth which was enough to get the girl to wake up, although with a whine, Y/n sat up in her bed.

"I'm tired" Y/n pouted giving her eyes a rub and letting out a massive yawn, Natasha smiled and hummed as she stood up, cupping Y/n's cheeks and giving all over her face kisses as she liked to do every morning, Y/n hummed and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"Do you wanna see who is also here?" The question made Y/n's eyes snap open as she looked over her shoulder, seeing Yelena, Melina and Alexei standing by her bed with a smile on each of their faces, the small girls eyes widened as she hid in Natasha's neck.

Natasha chuckled as she brought Y/n into her arms, letting her wrap her arms and legs around her body, Y/n made sure her face was completely covered by Natasha's shoulder and wrapped herself as tight as she possibly could around Natasha making sure she wouldn't fall or be seen.

Whilst Natasha walked downstairs to the kitchen and the adults were following her, Y/n slowly started to peak out of her mothers shoulder and look at Yelena who smirked and waved, Y/n's shy-self hid herself back in Natasha's shoulder with a smile of embarrassment.

"Why aren't you speaking to Auntie Lena, you've been non stop speaking about her for weeks" Natasha teased looking down at Y/n who was still shying away, yet Natasha's comment made her shy away even more from the embarrassment Natasha just put her in which made the adults laugh.

Natasha placed Y/n down on the kitchen chair and started to make some breakfast. Y/n was quick to hide her head in her arms, Yelena took a seat beside Y/n whilst Melina and Alexei took the seats opposite her, leaving the on beside her blank for Natasha.

"How's soccer going" Yelena asked copying Y/n's actions but laying her head down sideways on the table so she could see her, Y/n let out a smile into her arms as she could only see Yelena with one eye, she mumbled a small good before hiding away again.

"Scoring any goals?" Yelena asked wanting to keep the conversation going and for Y/n to warm up, in reality she was probably just tired and not everyone likes speaking in the mornings so no one was offended, not that they would be anyways, she was too cute to offend.

"I scored 3 last game" Y/n whispered finally turning her whole head to look at Yelena who smiled and let out a surprised gasp, along with Alexei and Melina from the other side of the table, Y/n let out a chuckle and sat up straight in her chair.

"3, oh my word, that's awesome Y/n, are you the best on your team?" Alexei asked, Y/n ran her fingertip over her mouth and looked down at the table with another embarrassing smile and shrugged her shoulders, how would she know if she's the best on her team.

"Not being, uh, what's the word, biased, but i think Y/n is the best in the team, you should all watch her sometime" Natasha spoke up coming over with plates of food and placing them down in front of each person, ignoring Y/n's shy, flustered and embarrassed state.

"Oh we definitely will be" Melina spoke up, then all the adults thanked Natasha for their breakfast before digging in, then Natasha was speaking to them all about their flight and stuff which took all the attention off of Y/n finally which was nice for her whilst she ate.

Once Y/n was finished with her breakfast she was craving a hug off of Yelena, she wanted to asked her but was way to shy, and she knew that if she even tried to ask or hint to Natasha, that Natasha would just straight up tell Yelena she wanted a hug.

"Lena" Y/n whispered tapping Yelena's leg slightly, Yelena hummed, covering her mouth as she was chewing and looked down at the girl below her, Y/n had gone all shy again and pulled her finger to her mouth as she searched for the rights words to use.

"Hug?" Was all the girl could get out, but Yelena understood, she wiped her hands on a tissue and reached to the side of her, pulling Y/n onto her lap, Y/n smiled and leant her head on Yelena's chest, looking to the side where she couldn't see anyone.

"That okay?" Yelena asked caressing the girls hair, Y/n nodded her head with a smile and melted into her aunts embrace, Natasha was watching with a smile and if she had her phone she'd be taking hundreds of pictures off the two, unfortunately she didn't so she just sat back and watched them both.


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