61| santa claus

614 42 19


The compound was loud, music was blaring through the speakers as Santa Claus was apparently coming to town, Y/n was running about, excited that it was Christmas day tomorrow, everyone was dancing along with her happily, shouting some lyrics to all the songs, grabbing some tinsel and waving it around.

"Y/n! They aren't your cookies" Tony shouted rushing over to Y/n and snatching  it in the cookie from Y/n before she could eat it, Y/n let out a whine reaching up for the cookie that Tony took her her, slapping his legs and stomach trying to get it.

"Woah, why are we hitting Uncle Tony, Y/n" Natasha asked coming into the room and taking Y/n away from Tony, letting him put the cookie down and move the plate high up, out of Y/n's reach. Y/n let out a scream, arching her back causing Natasha to almost drop her.

"What did you do" Natasha asked sending a glare at Tony, Tony raised his hands in defence telling Natasha that none of this was his fault and he was actually trying to save the day by moving the cookies away from the little cookie monster.

"Y/n, you can't have the cookies sweetheart. They're for Santa baby, i'm sure Wanda can make you some in the morning sweet girl" Natasha said running her hands through Y/n's hair, Y/n blinked a few more tears before hiding her face in Natasha's neck with a low whine.

"I'm sorry, but Santa's coming tomorrow, how do you feel about that!" Natasha exclaimed, Y/n kept silent and wrapped her arms around Natasha's neck, Natasha gave her back a soft pat saying goodnight to Tony and then heading upstairs, passing everyone in the process and saying night.

"Cookies" Y/n whimpered as Natasha placed her down on the bed, Natasha frowned leaning forward and pecking her daughters head then changing into a shirt to sleep in, Y/n lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling wondering what the cookies would have tasted like if she got one.

"Close those eyes Y/n, you need a good sleep" Natasha said, her back was to Y/n as she picked out a nice red Christmas dress for tomorrow but she still somehow knew that Y/n had her eyes open and was staring up at her ceiling.

"I really wanted a cookie mama" Y/n frowned turning her head to look at Natasha who was walking back over to Y/n, Natasha let out a smile and shook her head slightly, sitting on the bed next to Y/n's body stroking her hair gently, giving her a kiss.

"Well you'll get some tomorrow. Close your eyes my baby" Natasha said softly running her fingers down Y/n's face, Y/n let out a soft whine and started to give Natasha a pout but it was soon taken away by a special kiss for her mother.

"Night night mama" Y/n mumbled turning onto her side, Natasha smiled finally happy to get Y/n to go to sleep, she leans forward placed a few extra kisses around Y/n's face and whispering her own good nights to her daughter before standing back up to her feet again.

"No, hug and kiss" Y/n said shooting up from the bed, Natasha raised her eyebrow and let out a soft sigh walking back over to Y/n and embracing her in a hug, smiling slightly when Y/n tightened her grip around her before pulling away and pouting her lips.

"You're a cheeky monkey you" Natasha chuckled taking a soft hold of the bottom of Y/n's chin and pecking her baby's lips, letting her lay back down again. Saying goodnight again, and then leaving her room making sure to leave the door open slightly to keep some light from the hallway.

Natasha snuck back into Y/n's bedroom with a full stocking, hanging it over the bottom of the bed frame for the morning before she went off to her own bed, the team had pulled so many presents in the living room that it was so hard to walk about and even to open the door.

Of course Y/n was the first one awake, and without a second though she jumped out of bed, grabbing her stocking and running into Natasha's bedroom, hopping onto her bed, leaving the stocking at the end and crawling up to Natasha's body.

"What time is it?" Natasha groaned lifting her arm up to let Y/n cuddles into her body, turning her head and checking the time and surprisingly it wasn't too early, Y/n normally wakes her up at ridiculous hours of the morning so with it being Christmas as well, it was quite a treat to sleep in an hour or so.

"Christmas" Y/n mumbled rubbing her eye and grabbing a hold of Natasha's hand, Natasha nodded her head kissing the side of Y/n's head and slipping out of bed with her, Y/n slowly walked beside her, rubbing her eyes and heading downstairs.

As Natasha and Y/n were walking, they could hear footsteps and loud talking downstairs signalling that everyone else had just woken up to by the sounds and looks of it, Natasha lifted Y/n onto her hip after she stopped her rub her eyes and yawn.

"I'm so tired" Y/n suddenly cried taking Natasha by surprise, Natasha turned her back from the team and gently pulled her daughter out of her chest running her thumbs over her cheeks and wiping away her warm tears, placing a kiss on her nose.

"Hey, don't cry my love. It's Christmas, no tears" Natasha cooed pressing her nose gently against Y/n's, Y/n sniffled wiping her nose and digging her head into Natasha's neck. Natasha frowned holding the back of Y/n's head and swaying her hips and as her girls head was against her neck, she could feel the heat.

"Oh honey, do you feel ill?" Natasha asked worriedly patting Y/n's bottom, Y/n gave Natasha a slight nod of the head making Natasha coo again. Natasha kept swaying her hips and pecking Y/n's head until her cries died down.

"Presents" Y/n whimpered rubbing her eyes and wiggling down out of Natasha's arms, Natasha placed her on the floor and the girl quickly ran off to the living room where all the presents where, Natasha chuckled walking behind her watching as her daughter forgot about her sick feeling and starts opening presents.

"I like this one!" Y/n squealed holding up her new stuffed animal in front of Natasha's face, she smiled and nodded her head gently taking it from Y/n and looking at it whilst Y/n went on and unwrapped some more presents, Wanda was watching Y/n with a smile as she saw her present being opened.

"From Wan Wan" Y/n read, she was reading the tag and smiled looking at Wanda and giving her a small shy one, once her present was unwrapped, she crawled over to Wanda and gave her legs a hug, Wanda placed her hand on the back of her head running her fingers through her hair.

"Up, please" Y/n said quietly holding her arms up for Wanda to grab her, Wanda placed her mug down on the coffee table and lifted her niece onto her lap, letting her cuddle closely into her chest.

"You're really warm, is she alright?" Wanda asked Natasha running her hands through Y/n's hair and placing a soft kiss on her head, Y/n let out a small whine clutching onto Wanda's shirt and rubbing her face in her chest making Wanda smile in adoration.

"She's okay, she said she felt a bit sick this morning" Natasha frowned taking a sip of the coffee she was given, Y/n turned her head seeing Natasha and slid off Wanda's lap, slowly walking over to her mother and climbing onto her lap and wrapping her arms around her neck.

"At least she opened her presents" Clint joked making a few laugh, Y/n rubbed her nose against Natasha's neck and reached up tangling her fingers in her red hair, holding it tightly and securely. Natasha hummed placing a kiss on Y/n's head and leaning back against the sofa letting her rest again.


soooo tired

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