68| mommy and maria

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Wanda knew something was up these past few months, something between Maria and Natasha, she noticed them hanging out a lot more and saw how they spoke to each other which was definitely not they way that two friends would speak to each other, she found it cute and it made her happy seeing Natasha happy.

Y/n was constantly asking Wanda why her mom and Maria were always going out together but Wanda never really had an answer as she never knew anything herself, she just needed Natasha to tell her what them two were so she knew what was going on around her.

"Wan wan. When is my mama back?" Y/n whines slumping against Wanda's body, Wanda chuckled running her hands through the girls hair. Y/n let out another whine tugging at Wanda's shirt impatiently, she wanted to go to bed and didn't want to go without a kiss from Natasha or a goodnight from her.

"I don't know pumpkin, why don't we just go to bed" Wanda suggested, Y/n clearly didn't like her answer and broke down into tears, falling back against the sofa and kicking her legs into the cushions underneath her.

"Shh, come on now. Mommy doesn't want to come home to an upset baby" Wanda spoke lifting Y/n up onto her laugh as she coughed and cried, Wanda wrapped her arms around her tightly pressing many kisses to her head, more cries escaped through Y/n's mouth as Wanda tried calming her down.

"Mommy's here! Mommy's here" Natasha's voice ring through the compound as she came rushing into the living room, scooping her daughter off of Wanda's lap, giving her an appreciative smile before sitting down on the sofa with Y/n on her lap, stroking her hair gently to calm her.

"Shh, tell mommy what's wrong baby" Natasha whispered, caressing Y/n's cheek and kissing her nose. Y/n tried opening her mouth to speak and was cut off by a hiccup, making Natasha smile and chuckle slightly. Y/n clung onto Natasha's t-shirt before starting to speak, trying to find the best words.

"You always go out with Ria and come back l-late and i don't get a goodnight sometimes" Y/n cried softly rubbing her eyes, Natasha visibly pouted and pulled down Y/n's fists from her eyes and rubbed away her tears, kissing her forehead.

"Sweetheart, do you and auntie Wanda want to know a special secret?" Natasha asked taking a small glance at Wanda who's eyes widened, Y/n gave Natasha a small nod of her head gripping onto her fingers, Natasha took a shaky breath and turned her body to Wanda slightly.

"Okay so, you know how mommy is out with Maria a lot? Mhm, well mommy is dating Maria, which means she's my girlfriend" Natasha sped spoke, Wanda let out a small gasp beside her a covered her mouth with a smile, Natasha smiled at her as Wanda lunged forward and hugged her sister.

"I'm so happy for you!!" Wanda cheered, clapping her hands, Natasha thanked her, giving her a hug as best she could with her daughter clinging onto the front of her tightly, Wanda smiled whilst pulling back before both adults looked down at Y/n who had her arms folded over her chest.

"What's up with you?" Natasha asked ducking her head and lifting Y/n's chin up with her finger, Y/n let out a low whine and shuffled closer to Natasha on her lap and leaned forward pressing her forehead against Natasha's chest, pouting slightly.

"That means that you're gonna love Maria more" Y/n spoke sadly, Natasha's chest stung a little bit at Y/n's words as she instantly pulled her daughter back and held her little, chubby face in her hands and wiped the single tears away that was falling down her cheek.

"Y/n, baby. I will never, ever love anyone more than you. You're my baby, my favourite person ever! I'll never love anymore more" Natasha spoke with teary eyes, Y/n's eyes were also teary as she nodded her head and cuddled into Natasha's neck with a small sigh.

"Alrighty, say night night to Wanda" Natasha said rising to her feet, Y/n leant over and have Wanda a hug and a sweet kiss, Natasha gave Wanda a hug before they disappeared out the room and made their way upstairs, Y/n was placed down in her bed as the duvet was pulled back.

"Did you have fun with auntie Wanda tonight?" Natasha asked tucking Y/n into bed and patting her chest, Y/n gave Natasha a small nod of her head and brought her fist up to rub her eyes, which was soon taken away by Natasha pulling them down.

"Missed you" She mumbled, Natasha smiled and kissed her daughters cheek sweetly. She moved to sit on Y/n's bed and ran her hands through her hair, stroking a cheek a little bit, just admiring her daughter, who was the most beautiful girl in the world.

"I missed you too, you know i love you more than anyone Y/n. I'll see you in the morning, goodnight princess, sweet dreams" Natasha whispered leaning down and pecking Y/n's little lips, Y/n was quick to wrap her arms around Natasha's neck for a quick cuddle, before letting her go.

"Night night mama" Y/n yawned and waved her hand, her night light was switched on and her door was left open ever so slightly, Y/n picked up the little bunny that was cuddled into her arm and held it to her face, wiping the tears that she was holding in.

With Natasha, she'd sat in bed with a smile pulling her phone out and texting Maria excitedly that she'd told Wanda and Y/n, which was perfectly okay with Maria. They called each other for a little bit and arranged another time to meet up.

After speaking for an hour, Maria had to go so that's when they ended their call. Just as they did, Natasha's door was pushed open which could only mean it was one person, as no one else would just want into Natasha's room other than her own daughter.

"Y/n? What are you doing awake" Natasha asked, helping Y/n into her bed, Y/n kept silent and snuggled into her mothers side, it'd been a small while since Y/n came into Natasha's room, about a week or so, she was getting so much better at sleeping in her own room by herself.

"Do you still love me?" Y/n's small, high pitched voice squeaked. Natasha's closed her eyes with a frown, regretting telling her daughter about her and Maria at this moment, especially at bedtime because she was so tired and upset.

"Of course i do baby, i've known you, your whole life i've not known anyone else their whole life. What do you want me to do, i'll do anything for you to show you that i love you so much" Natasha asked, sitting Y/n in a better position on her lap, Y/n thought for a moment before leaning forward a pecking Natasha's lips.

"A kiss?" Natasha asked, Y/n gave Natasha a nod of her head which made Natasha smile, she took her daughters face in her hands and started to pepper Y/n's face in kisses which earned a small giggle from her, Natasha smiling brightly when she pulled away.

"Thank you mama" Y/n giggled making Natasha pout, she pulled her girl back down into her chest and held her tightly with a firm kiss on the top of her head, Y/n let out a hum and smiled into Natasha's chest.

"Love mommy" Y/n mumbled turning her head a bit so she could look up at Natasha who have her another kiss, she giggled and wrapped her arms around Natasha's waist, shyly stuffing her face in the middle of Natasha's chest.

"I love you Y/n" Natasha said in her funny voice she used quite a lot making Y/n laugh again, the pair then lay in silence and Natasha watched Y/n's eyes close and her breathing slow down into deep and peaceful breaths, meaning she was asleep.

"I really love you, more than anyone or anything" Natasha whispered turning onto her side and wrapping her arm around Y/n, she had a small smile on her face as she shuffled closer, Natasha kissed her head one last time before closing her own eyes and falling asleep.


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