71| my aunties baby boys

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After a long 9 months, Wanda was finally due her babies in a few days, Y/n had been clinging onto Wanda quite a bit, constantly hugging and kissing her baby bump, saying how much she was going to miss it but she knew that when it was gone she could cuddle Wanda more.

Due to her aunt having such a large bump with twins, it wasn't very easy for the little girl to cuddle into Wanda, and she wasn't able to lift Y/n up so Y/n was excited to be lifted up by Wanda.

"When are they babies gonna come out?" Y/n questioned placing her hands on Wanda's bump, Wanda smiled and ran her hand through Y/n's hair. Y/n looked up to her with her massive green eyes making Wanda smile more, which then made Y/n smile shy-ly.

"They could come anytime baby, tonight, tomorrow, we don't know yet" Wanda shrugged, and tugged Y/n up onto the sofa beside her, Y/n gently laid her head on Wanda's belly and kisses it gently before laughing at herself.

"Y/n? Sweetheart, it's time for bed now" Natasha spoke coming into the room, Y/n pouted and shook her head, tightening her grip around Wanda, Natasha frowned and came over and sat next to Y/n, giving her back a rub and her head a kiss.

"I know, come on baby" Natasha said, reaching out and lifting Y/n off Wanda earning a whine from the girl, she twisted and wriggled trying to get away from Natasha but it wasn't any use with Natasha's strong grip.

"Wanna stay with Wan Wan!" Y/n cried reaching out for Wanda, Wanda sadly waved goodbye and Natasha took her out the room and upstairs to her own, Y/n screamed and cried out for Wanda but when her door was shut she lost hope for going back.

"Want Wan Wan" Y/n sobbed as Natasha placed her on the mattress, Natasha frowned again and tucked the wet hair behind Y/n's ears, holding her face in her palms and wiping her falling tears away.

"I know lovely, but the quicker you go to sleep the quicker Wanda's babies will come" Natasha said moving up the bed and gently laying Y/n down, placing her hand on her chest, she picked up her bunny and handed it over to her, Y/n let out a grunt and held it to her neck.

"Wipe your tears beautiful, and try to sleep sweetheart" Natasha teased, Y/n wiped her tears with her bunny's ears and let out a little hiccup making Natasha gasp purposely making Y/n giggle.

"Goodnight my love, i love you lots" Natasha whispered leaning down and brushing the tip of her nose against her daughters making both girls smile, Y/n held Natasha's cheeks and gave her a long kiss goodnight.

"Night mama, love you lots" She giggled waving her hand and turning over, Natasha ran her fingers through Y/n's hair, turning on her night light, standing out her bed, turning off the big light and leaving the room making sure to leave the door open a small bit.

Natasha then made her way back downstairs to Wanda who was sitting on the sofa with her head resting back and her eyes closed, Natasha made her appearance clear by taking a seat next to the woman and placing a comforting hand on her thigh giving it a small squeeze.

"It's so sore" Wanda spoke through gritted teeth, Natasha frowned and leaned her head down and rested it on Wanda's shoulder grabbing her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze, silently telling her that she was right there for her.

A few hours past and Natasha agreed to stay downstairs with Wanda until she was ready to go to bed, a movie was playing in the background but both woman were lost in their thoughts, Wanda went to stand up, feeling a sudden urge to pee, but of course that wasn't the case.

"Shit!! My waters broke!!!" Wanda screamed, Natasha visibly jumped and stood to her feet, she grabbed her phone and called Bruce who quickly ran down to the living room and helped Wanda walk through to the lab, she was grunting with each step she took.

"Everything will be okay" Natasha said gently as Wanda laid down on the bed, most of the team was awake now because they all wanted to be there for Wanda which was nice, Natasha was staying in the room whilst Wanda gave birth with Vision and everyone else was waiting outside.

Although, it got a little harder when the youngest red head popped down the stairs, walking straight into the room holding her arms out to Natasha, who picked her up and took her out the room in an instant.

"Baby, you need to go to bed" Natasha said rocking Y/n side to side and patting her bottom softly whilst also keeping an eye on Wanda through the fuzzy glass window, Y/n let out a whine and curled further into her mothers warmth.

"Everyone's downstairs, no bed" Y/n mumbled, Natasha sighed not wanting a fight and definitely not wanting a tantrum especially if Wanda was going to give birth soon, she scanned through everyone sitting down before just handing Y/n over to one of them.

"Try get her to sleep" Natasha pleaded before disappearing back into room, Y/n was content as she curled against Tony's chest, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled out his magazine and started reading again.

More time pasted and almost everyone had fallen asleep sitting up, but then a loud bloody murder scream was what woke everyone up, including Y/n who was scared from the scream and crying her own eyes out.

The team obviously knew that Wanda was clearly pushing the babies out now so their only mission was to calm Y/n down, trying to rock her and take her away from the screaming but Wanda was pretty loud which wasn't very helpful.

"Want mama" Y/n sobbed as Clint rocked her side to side, he turned to the team who all shrugged at him giving him no help at all, he just rolled his eyes and sat back down on the chair with Y/n in his lap.

"Your mama is in the room with auntie Wanda because she's having her babies now" Clint explained, Y/n's head perked up at the mention of her aunt giving birth to her baby cousins.

"Wan Wan have her babies?" She asked confused, no one told her she was going to have them today, if she knew she wouldn't be sitting here with her pyjamas on, and she would definitely be in the room with her aunt helping her push.

"Was i supposed to tell her?" Clint asked the other as Y/n started trying to wiggle off of his lap and run to the door but he was managing to hold her back so far, the team tried not to laugh before the girl let out a scream of her own before starting to sob.

"This is why you don't wind children up at 4 o'clock in the morning Clint!" Steve said angrily taking Y/n from his arms and holding her on his hip and walking over to the door, pointing his finger through the long line of glass where you could catch a glimpse of the back of Natasha's head.

"We just need to wait until Auntie Wanda is done then we can all go and see the babies" Steve explained which managed to calm Y/n slightly, she nodded her head and lay it down on Steve's shoulder as she patiently waited for Wanda to finish giving birth.

"All done!" Bruce said opening the door and announcing to everyone, Steve placed Y/n on the floor and the team watched as she ran in, jumping straight onto Natasha's lap and leaning over the bed to look at the two babies crying in Wanda's arms.

"It's babies mama!" Y/n squealed reaching forward and gently touching one's nose, Wanda chuckled and Natasha nodded her head pulling Y/n's arm away and holding her tightly so she didn't slip and injure anyone.

"What's their names Wan Wan?" Y/n questioned looking at Wanda and tilting her head, Wanda strained her neck and looked up at Vision before looking back at Y/n and giving her a tired and weak smile before speaking.

"Billy and Tommy" She said softly, turning to the team also who clapped their hands quietly, Y/n nodded her head and fell into Natasha's chest with a yawn, Natasha wrapped her arms around her daughter and rested her chin on the top of her head as she watched the team congratulating Wanda.


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