35| very first dance

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The time had finally come, after a few weeks of practicing her first dance, Y/n was performing it today. She got to show her dance to everyone in the crowd, Natasha had invited the whole team and of course all of the, agreed to come and watch their little niece.

All except Vision, there was just something about him ever since day one that hasn't sat right with Natasha, he's never interacted with Y/n before, she's lucky is she even knows who he is, not only that but whenever Natasha walks into the room with Y/n, he always either slips his way out or just leaves.

It wasn't a nice feeling for Natasha, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it so she'd just ignored it. She was lucky that everyone else was coming though, they had the vip seats, due to Tony booking them as soon as Natasha spoke, claiming he wanted the best view of her dancing.

"You're gonna look so pretty today my love" Natasha beamed excitedly, she was rushing round the house trying to find the last of Y/n's things before they had to leave, Y/n was perched on Natasha's hip rubbing her eyes after just being woken up.

"Want to sleep" Y/n mumbled tiredly digging her head back into Natasha's neck, letting her warm breath hit on her neck, Natasha sighed softly rubbing Y/n's back and picking up her dance bag and placing it on the end, rummaging through it to check she had everything, which she did.

"I know baby but you're doing your very first dance sweetheart" Natasha spoke, waking Y/n up again, she grumbles rubbing her eyes and wrapped her legs tighter around Natasha's waist as she rushed down the stairs, Natasha and Y/n said their goodbyes to everyone as they were meeting them there.

Natasha buckled Y/n into her seat and gave her a soft kiss on her head, where Y/n was preforming was only about a ten minute drive so it didn't take to long, just as Natasha had pulled up though, Y/n had just fallen back asleep.

She unbuckled her daughter, lifting her carefully into her arms and grabbed the bags she needed, then walked into the building. Natasha met Y/n's dance teacher who took her through to the back changing rooms, allowing them to start getting ready.

"Y/n, honey it's time wake up" Natasha sang softly sitting on a bench with her back facing the room, Y/n let out a whine curling up tighter on Natasha's lap and shaking her head in Natasha's chest taking a tight hold against her shirt.

"Yes it is, come on you've got to do your dancing for everyone's baby" Natasha said leaning forward and placing Y/n on the floor, she wobbled a bit at first but found her balance and held into Natasha's knees for support, Natasha started off but removing Y/n's shirt, catching her arm before she ran away.

"Just stay still, it'll take longer if you act up" Natasha spoke takin off Y/n's pants, Natasha bought these pull ups that weren't too obvious to see, she didn't want Y/n wearing big girl underwear in case she had an accident from her nerves or if she needed the toilet and couldn't do anything about it as she was on stage.

"Can mama do your hair sweetie" Natasha asked threading her fingers through Y/n's red locks, Y/n let out another whine and stomp of her foot, letting her tiredness get the best of her and bursting out into tears, a few heads turned in their direction but Natasha scooped her daughter up onto her lap.

"I know, I know. But I really need to do your hair so you can go and be a pretty ballerina baby" Natasha said trying to hype Y/n up a bit more, her cries did stop and there was just sniffles here and there but it was obvious she was still so tired.

"Take this my love" Natasha decided, handing Y/n her phone on YouTube and sitting her down whilst she done the bun in her hair, after it was wrapped securely, Natasha took out the baby pink tights that were packed in the bag.

"Feet up" Natasha ordered, Y/n lifted them both up holding Natasha's phone tightly so it wouldn't slip, with ease Natasha had slipped on her tights and pulled them up over her waist, she then brought out the leotard and with a bit more struggle, managed to get that on.

"Oh my gosh, you look like a real ballerina" Natasha said with a smile taking her phone from Y/n and standing her in front of the full body mirror, Y/n gasped covering her mouth with her hand and jumping on her feet.

"I do mama, I look like a real ballerina" Y/n shouted excitedly, turning around and hugging Natasha's legs happily. Natasha smiled even more bending down and scooping her baby up on to her hip, attacking her face with a bunch of endless kisses.

"Do you remember you dance" Natasha asked, Y/n nodded her head wriggling out of Natasha's arms and stepping back a bit then starting to dance, and to Natasha's surprise, Y/n knew every single step of her dance until the very end.

"Well done cupcake" Natasha cheered holding out her hand, Y/n giggled giving Natasha a hard high five which Natasha faked gasping out acting as if it had hurt which made Y/n laugh even more. Natasha sat with Y/n for a little while more until her dance teacher came into the room saying parents where to leave as it was almost snow time.

"Kay baby, mama has to go and sit with auntie Wanda and all your uncles now. When you come on the stage we will all be there okay?" Natasha said, Y/n nodded her head with a hum, giving Natasha one last hug before her mother left the room.

Y/n was a little bit nervous, her knees were shaking slightly and she kept biting her lip, all the girls were in a line going out one he stage one by one as they all had their own little solo's to do, Y/n was bang in the middle and when the girl in front of her came off, she froze a little bit.

With a small push, Y/n was walking on the stage and the first pair of eyes she saw was her mothers, she smiled and blushes looking at the rest of her family who were now cheering, by now she'd gone fully red and was just standing on the stage, Natasha motioned with her hands for her to start dancing.

The music came on, and Y/n was dancing what she could remember, which was all of it. The Avengers watched in the audience with massive smiles on their faces, every single one of them, Natasha had her phone up recording and Steve was shedding some tears, Wanda was cheering along the whole time and Clint and Tony made a dance up themselves and started being weird, and Thor and Bruce where just cheering the small girl along, like a big supportive family.

not proofread sorry

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