96| i want a sleepover

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Y/n had never had a sleepover before, every time she was invited to one she'd either be too scared to go or she'd end up coming home before they got to sleep, she just didn't have it in her to be away from Natasha for a whole night.

She'd thought of a pretty smart idea of having her friend to stay at her house instead of sleeping at someone else's house, it was a Friday and Y/n had the idea of a sleepover in her mind the whole day, she didn't want to tell Elsie yet, incase Natasha said no.

When her Auntie Wanda picked her up from school today, she was a little bit disappointed because that meant she couldn't ask Natasha straight away, but as soon as she entered the compound, she ran straight to Natasha's office and without hesitation, barging through the doors.

"Mommy, mommy! I have a question" Y/n shouted running up to Natasha's chair and shaking her leg, a smile came over Natasha's face. Even though she was interrupted during a meeting, the sight of her daughter could always cheer her up, especially during the worlds most boringiest meeting with Fury.

"Do you think you can-"

"I wanna sleepover here tonight with Elsie, please mama" Y/n shouted completely cutting Natasha off, Natasha let out a breath and tucked a strand of hair behind her girls ear and kissed her nose, turning away from Fury and patting her daughters sides.

"Can you wait until after this meeting please and then we can speak, it's really important sunshine" Natasha asked, Y/n frowned but nodded her head, gave her mother a kiss and slipped off of her lap. She ran back out of the office and made sure to close the door, which was Natasha's main rule.

Y/n ran down the hallways with a smile on her face as she crashed into the living room. She lay on the sofa with a smile and turned her head to the tv, her uncle Tony had fallen asleep watching it, so she crawled over and snuck the remote.

"Hey!" He shouted waking up when the remote was taken, Y/n jumped back in fear and ran off to the sofa with the remote giggling like crazy, she sat herself comfortably and changed over the channels onto her own one, so she was watching what she wanted.

"Y/n, i had it first, hand it over please" Tony begged holding his hand out for the remote, Y/n giggled and held it under her arm so he couldn't get it. Tony gave up rolling his eyes and sitting back down on the sofa and grabbing a newspaper, Y/n smirked at her victory.

After watching Tv for what felt like hours, Natasha finally came into the living room with a sigh. It took a little while for Y/n to notice her mothers presence and when she did she was happy to see her, patting the space next to her.

"What did you want to ask me baby" Natasha asked wrapping her arm around her daughter, who was focused more on the Tv than the question that her mother asked, and after a few nudges she turned her head to look at the woman beside her.

"What did you want to ask me" Natasha repeated, Y/n paused the Tv so she wouldn't miss her episode and excitedly sat up on her knees and looked at Natasha with a lot of hope in her eyes, she was praying that Natasha would respond with a yes.

"Please please please mama, pretty please can Elsie have a sleepover tonight" Y/n begged pressing her hands together, Natasha's heart broke as it was already a no, too many things were going on in the compound and it wasn't safe for Elise to be staying with them right now.

"I'm sorry baby, not tonight" Natasha frowned, Y/n also frowned with a sad and heartbroken expression before she started to beg again, claiming how good she'd been and how much she deserves one, Natasha hated to tell Y/n no, she was a good girl and deserved everything she wanted.

"Oh I know you want one, honey Trust me, I get it. But it's not safe in the compound for Elsie to be staying tonight, so you will have to wait until another weekend for a sleepover" Natasha explained, Y/n broke down into tears, sobbing harshly.

"No! now!" She sobbed, Natasha placed her hand on her girls leg as she cried. Tony looked up from his news paper, seeing a tantrum about to unfold and very silently and discreetly, snuck out of the room not wanting to be apart or witness anything going on in that room.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but the answer is still no. You will have to be patient, sweet pea" Natasha said keeping calm, Y/n cried more, arching her back and rubbing her eyes. Natasha tried pulling them down but Y/n fought her off, crying harder, repeating her words of wanting the sleepover.

"Y/n, I understand you are upset. But you need to learn to control your emotions when the word no is said, honey. You will not get a sleepover when it's not safe. It is simply not allowed, i cant put Elsie in danger sweetheart" Natasha spoke, Y/n still wasn't a fan of her answer.

Y/n lets out a frustrated scream and from behind her, grabs a pillow. She ends up throwing the pillow at her mother with anger and sobs more when Natasha catches it, bringing it down from her face with an angry expression, which upset the girl more.

"Y/n, that is not acceptable. We do not throw things at people when we are upset" Natasha spoke sternly taking a hold of her girls arm to stop her from becoming violent to her, Y/n sobs and tries her best to free her arm and Natasha's harsh grip.

"I don't care! I want a sleepover" Y/n screams, using her other hand to try and rip Natasha's hand off of her, Natasha keep a hold of her hand and tries to bring her in for a hug with the idea that it might calm her daughter down for now.

"Y/n! there is no need to raise your voice. Now, come on now. Let's be reasonable, i'll let you have a sleepover another weekend but tonight is not the right night" Natasha's words don't help Y/n as she cries more wanting a different answer and an answer she wants.

"No! I want one now" Y/n argues, Natasha sighs, her daughter is just as stubborn as she is. Y/n reaches to the floor and grabs another pillow, throwing it at Natasha again, with another scream continued by more sobs, Natasha's close to loosing her patients with her.

"You are being absolutely ridiculous! You know we can not have one tonight, i've said no. So please calm down. Take a deep breath and sit down on the sofa. That's it. Good girl" Y/n started to calm herself down a little bit more and relaxed into the sofa, or so Natasha thought.

A loud scream came from the young girl as she flung herself onto the floor, kicking her legs and waving her arms about, crying harshly. Natasha hadn't dealt with one of these tantrums in a few years, it reminded her of how young she used to be.

"Please, Y/n. Let's not fight. You know what we agreed on, honey. No sleepover tonight. So why can't you just wait until another weekend" Natasha reasoned, Y/n kept crying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling becoming overly tired after her small tantrum session.

"Y/n, this sort of tantrum is not helping your case. Let's discuss this calmly, shall we? No sleepover tonight, but next weekend, I will let you have a sleepover. Deal" Natasha said reaching forward and lifting Y/n onto her lap, who grunted unhappily and fell against her mothers chest.

"I want a sleepover now" Y/n mumbles, Natasha lets out a sigh which is heard by her daughter causing the tears to start up again, Natasha tried holding a squirming girl on her lap but it was getting tricky with how she was wiggling about in her grip.

"Now stop hitting me. You are not going to get what you want by acting like this. Look at me, If you do not calm down and behave reasonably, you will not have your sleepover for another two weeks" It wasn't the smartest thing that came out of Natasha's mouth as Y/n's cries continued but she definitely stopped hitting her.

"You know i love you Y/n. Stop grunting. I'd do anything for you honey, but it isn't safe, what if one of you got hurt. I know, i know you live here but you know the rules and how to behave around here, Elsie hasn't been here for wait until the lab is clear please" It wasn't the answer Y/n wanted but she knew she wasn't going to get a yes from Natasha, so she just fell against her chest with another grunt and an extra bit of a whine.


my friend used to make me change into her pyjamas before i left the house and 70% of the time it actually worked out and we got the sleepover

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