137| that's my side

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For a while now Natasha and Maria had been thinking about Maria joining into Natasha's room, Maria lived in the compound but in a completely separate bit which wasn't technically in the building and Natasha's bed and room was big enough for two of them, and they were engaged.

The one thing Natasha was nervous about was Y/n, the girl was still constantly crawling into her bed at night and she didn't quite know how she would react, half asleep when she saw Maria in the bed also, Natasha had told her about her and Maria, it's just when she's half asleep she's worried about.

Natasha came out of her office with a sigh and tucked her hair behind her ears as she went on her hunt for Y/n, she checked a few rooms before standing outside of the living room and seeing her daughter smiling and laughing at the Tv.

"Hey baby, it's time for bed" Natasha said walking into the living room, Y/n let out a whine as she shook her head and looked over at Natasha holding 5 fingers up which was telling Natasha that she wanted five more minutes before she went to bed.

"Please mama, at least to the end of this episode" Y/n pouted, Natasha stared at her daughter, she had the biggest baby face ever and the little pout made Natasha was to scoop her up and never let go, tickle her forever and cuddle her all the time.

"Fine, only this episode Y/n, i'll be watching" Natasha sighed raising her eyebrow, Y/n got her way most of the time because of how innocent she looked, Natasha found it so hard to say no to her, she obviously did when it was needed but it was so hard.

Natasha left the living room and heard Y/n cheer to herself before she started to talking to herself, Natasha made her way to the kitchen where she found Maria sitting down at the table with a magazine, cup of coffee in her hand and a bowl of fruit beside her.

"Hey you" Natasha smiled walking into the kitchen to make an appearance, Maria's head shot up and a smile immediately came over her face, Natasha chuckled as she walked over to Maria and planted a soft but long kiss on her lips, making both women laugh together.

"Hi my love" Maria mumbled watching Natasha walk off to the coffee machine to make herself a cup of coffee, Natasha and Maria both stared at each other lovingly as Natasha waited for her coffee to be ready, smirking and turning around when the machine pinged, she grabbed her coffee and sat next to her fiancé.

"Are we going to bed soon?" Maria asked resting her head on Natasha's shoulder, Natasha nodded her head and sipped her coffee, she looked up and over to the glass in the wall where you could see the living room, Y/n's episode still playing.

"Yeah, just waiting until Y/n's episode is done and then i'll put her to bed" Natasha smiled, kissing Maria's head, Maria nodded her head and kept the conversation going between the two so they weren't sitting in an award silence, luckily the Tv was loud so Natasha could hear it.

Natasha and Maria keep talking, Natasha's love for Maria grows every day, she'd loved Maria ever since before Y/n was born, it's just something about her, and the same from Maria, there's just always been something about Natasha that Maria couldn't get out her head, she was in complete love.

Whilst speaking Natasha heard the familiar sound of Y/n's episode ending, she quickly excused herself from Maria and started walking to the living room, she saw Y/n quickly change the episode and skip the intro to make it look like she was watching the same episode.

"Oi you cheeky girl, i saw that, time for bed now" Natasha chuckled, Y/n jumped and looked over at her mother with a grin shaking her head and sitting back against the sofa, Natasha cleared her throat and told her to get a move on, it was obvious it was a different episode.

"Mama it's the same one" Y/n giggled looking at the Tv, Natasha rolled her eyes and walked over to Y/n taking the remote out of her hands and switching off the Tv, the girl immediately whines and reached over attaching herself to Natasha trying to get the remote back.

"Come on, i saw you" Natasha says placing the remote down and pulling Y/n off the sofa, Y/n sighed and took Natasha's hand as she lead her upstairs, she jumped onto her bed and stared at Natasha who smirked and came over to her.

"I love you, sleep well my darling" Natasha whispered gently pushing Y/n down in bed, she pulled the duvet up to her chest and gave her a firm kiss to her cheek, Y/n giggled and leaned over giving Natasha the same form kiss on her cheek, rubbing her nose against her face.

"I love you more mama, night night" Y/n mumbled and lay her head on the pillows, Natasha smiled and kissed her forehead once more before standing up, she turned her little night light on and waved to her daughter, turning off her big light and closing the door.

She sighed happily as she made her way down to her own bedroom, she opens the door and finds Maria already in bed, she smiled widely and hops in next to her joining her, Maria looked up and turned her phone off placing it down and turning around.

Natasha and Maria fell asleep together, both on their sides with Maria curled up to Natasha and Natasha having a protective arm around her, they were both exhausted as they had a lot of work they had to do that day, both women even started snoring a little bit.

Y/n woke up during the night, she went to turn and cuddle up to her mother thinking she was beside her, but when she realised she was in her bedroom she started getting out of bed, she wanted her mama and didn't want to sleep on her own tonight.

She rushed into Natasha's room and freezes when she finds another body in the bed, she looks over and sees Maria asleep, on her side of the bed, anger filled the teenager as she rushed over to Natasha's side of the bed and started to shake the woman furiously to wake her up.

"Mama! Mama!" Y/n sobbed, she was very angry with both of them, that was Y/n's side and no one was supposed to be sleeping in Y/n's side apart from Y/n and possibly Natasha when she moved in her sleep, it wasn't fair on Y/n.

"What? What's wrong honey?" Natasha shot up and groaned rubbing her eyes when she found her sobbing teenager next to her shaking her arm, Y/n sobbed and sobbed trying to get her words out and started to point over to where Maria had moved as was now sleeping.

"That's my side! That's my side!" Y/n cried tugging Natasha's hand, Natasha sighed rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn, the bed was big enough for the 3 of them, maybe even 4 so it wasn't an issue, the issue was just that Y/n wanted her side.

"Baby, shh, let maria sleep honey, just come here" Natasha said trying to pull Y/n's arm so she'd get into bed with her but the girl refused and kept crying for her side but she wasn't going to get it as she wasn't going to wake Maria for it.

"No that's my side" Y/n sobbed, Natasha sighed again sitting up straight and pulled Y/n onto her lap, Y/n sobbed into her shoulder as Natasha tried to comfort her but the girl wriggled about angrily, reaching over for Maria, she wasn't happy with the woman at all.

"Mommy told you that Maria was going to be sleeping with me now, it means that Maria has to sleep on your side, that's okay though you get to sleep in the middle" Natasha comprised, Y/n sobbed even more as Natasha picked her up and placed her in the middle.

"But that is my side" Y/n cried with a high pitched voice into Natasha's chest, Natasha rubbed her hand firmly up and down her daughters back as she stuffed her face into her boobs, Y/n's cries subsided for hiccups, occasionally letting out a little sob.

"Go back to sleep darling, mommy's here" Natasha whispered, Y/n reached up and clutched onto Natasha's shirt tightly, pressing her face in harder before relaxing, Natasha kissed her daughters head a few times, stroking the wet hair out of her face and creating little, calming shushing noises, which helped her girl fall asleep.


it was literally Y/n's side 🙄

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