95| mama bear mode

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For a while now, there has been these particular boys that have been bugging Y/n, Natasha had been in a few times to help the situation and Miss Kate was helping a lot but she can't override anything with the principal so what she could do, wasn't a lot.

The boys had been told numerous times to stop and they haven't, now they've become quite violent with Y/n and started to physically hurt her, by pinching, hitting or kicking her, even one time kicking a ball at her at recess, Miss Kate was only a classroom assistant.

Which meant she couldn't do anything to the boys, like move their seats away from Y/n or stop them from being near her, Miss Diana just told her it was a small phase that would disappear soon, but it was almost every day now Y/n would come out of school crying after being bullied by the kids.

Natasha was furious, after yet another day of her daughter coming home in tears about boys picking on her. She'd been in so many times and the school still weren't doing anything about it, Natasha was ready to blow at the school.

"Y/n baby, can you calm down for you. Do you want mama to do in and talk to your headteacher about this?" Natasha asked crouching in front of Y/n and holding her hands, rubbing her thumb over her knuckles and pressing kisses to them as she sobbed.

A nod of her daughters head was all it took for Natasha before she swung her onto her hip and started to walk towards reception. Y/n was still crying softly into her shoulder and Natasha was holding her tightly, she was outraged and felt as though she was going to pop.

"May i speak to Principal. Phillips please" Natasha asked using her nicest tone, the receptionist gave her a look before dialling the numbers on the phone and holding it to her ear, she sighed when Principal picked up and started speaking, requesting him to come down to the office.

"He's on his way" The receptionist said with a small eye roll, Natasha's glare hardened as she tilted her head, the woman backed out of fear and averted her eyes to the computer as the Principal marched down the corridor, nodding to Natasha and holding his hand out to shake.

"We need to talk" Natasha spoke, she kept both her hands under Y/n's bottom, not moving them to shake his hand. He nodded his head and motioned her to follow him, she followed him quickly as he led her to his office, closing the door behind them and taking a seat.

"What do you wish to talk about, Miss. Romanoff" He said leaning his hands on the desk, Natasha had to wait a few seconds, she still felt very angry towards the school, but she kept her cool and managed to speak calmly, not showing too much anger.

"I'm unsure if you're aware, but my daughter is being picked on. Severely, now i've been in numerous times to try and help the situation and nothing working" Natasha said, she was glaring at the man and saw how feared he was of her, most people were when they got on the wrong side of her.

"I'm sorry Miss Romanoff but there isn't much we can do, unless we called a meeting with the student parents and then that would take ages, kids are kids, they'll stop soon" The Principal chuckled, Natasha's face reddened, Y/n was curled against her chest too scared to look at her.

"You're lucky she's in the room with us. I thought this was a zero tolerance bullying school? Doesn't seem like one if my daughters coming home in tears everyday, i don't care what you do. Just stop to bullying, it's not funny anymore, there's plenty to do" Natasha semi shouted.

"Call a meeting with the boys parents i don't care! Those kids clearly know what they're saying, yet no one has even split them from my daughter!" Natasha angrily shouted, the principal was turning red from embarrassment, he nodded his head rapidly and scribbled stuff down.

"I hope this problem has resolved by Friday, if not. Me and you, will be having problems" Natasha spoke clearly, standing from her seat and walking out the room with Y/n, leaving the principal shaking slightly. Natasha walked out of the building, her heels clicking loudly and her breathing heavy.

"What's going to happen?" Y/n asked as Natasha buckled her into the car, Natasha let out a sigh of trying to calm herself down, she pressed her forehead against Y/n's head and let out another breath, she was completely furious with the school now.

"Everything's going to be okay, he will do something about it or else me and him won't be friends anymore and you don't want that pumpkin" Natasha said with a small smile and rubbed the tip of her own nose against the tip of Y/n's nose, making the girl giggle.

Natasha shut the door and let out an even bigger breath before she jumped back into the car and drove home. The silence in the car was loud, there wasn't really a lot to say after the talk they'd just had with the principal, Natasha was still furious at him.

How could he not solve the issue, it wasn't a big ask to just move the boys away from her girl. If anything she was even more furious at the school, but by the time she was home Natasha managed to shove all of her anger down to the bottom of her and act happy for her daughter.

"Mama, go for a shower" Y/n said taking Natasha's hand and attempting to take her upstairs, Natasha was fairly confused but let her daughter lead her upstairs. Y/n was using all of her force to pull Natasha who still seemed to be hesitant.

"Honey, why are you taking mama for a shower?" Natasha finally asked when Y/n managed to pull her into the bathroom, Y/n let out a big breath, clearly tired from all the pulling and sat herself on the top of the closed toilet seat.

"Auntie Wan Wan says that it's good to take showers when you're stressed and angry, so i think you should have a shower" Y/n said sweetly, Natasha's whole body melted and a smile took over her face that she was unable to wipe off, she lifted her daughter onto her hip with a grin.

"You my precious girl, are you favourite person in the whole world" Natasha whispered, Y/n giggled and snuggled into Natasha's neck, giving her cheek a kiss. She started the shower and gathered some clothes, Y/n had ran off by this point to Wanda.

Natasha was lucky to have a daughter like hers, who could clearly sense the frustration she was feeling, and by the end of Natasha's shower, she felt a lot calmer than she did before walking into the house, now all that was left to do was go and snuggle with her daughter.


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