52| surely a red card

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It was another one of those weekends where the teams where just able to have fun, they'd be playing board games or they'd be outside or they would all do something, like go to an aquarium or something like that, but today was going to be different, they were all going to be doing a sort of sports day.

They were going to play some soccer and some basket ball, maybe even a bit of golf. Y/n was most excited though, she was showing everyone her soccer skills, she was even shooting the ball in the net against Tony, who couldn't save her shots.

"Mama i want another one" Y/n spoke walking over to Natasha and trying to sneak another ice lollie out the cooler but Natasha pulled Y/n's arm back telling her no, whilst still in the middle of her conversation with Thor, Y/n huffed letting her arm drop and one Natasha reached forward to pick up her mug with two hands, Y/n reached for an ice lollie.

"Y/N! Get back here" Natasha called out, placing her mug down and running after Y/n who was now giggling like made and ran under the trampoline, she started to quickly unwrap the lollie and shoved it in her mouth with a laugh and as Natasha looked under the trampoline.

"Get out of there, now" Natasha said sternly, Y/n giggled again shaking her head taking another lick of the sweetness, Natasha sighed falling onto her knees, Y/n realised that she was going to come under, so ran out the back of it and around the garden.

"Y/n i'm serious, give it up" Natasha said chasing after Y/n, all of a sudden the ice lollie shot up into the air, freezing mid air. The young girl let out a whine looking up and trying to grab it, by jumping up and down as best she could.

"Gimme Gimme!" She cried, trying to reach it. Then, it slowly started moving until it was right over the trash, before falling in. Y/n stared in disbelief as it fell, slowly letting tears cloud over her vision and then falling onto her bottom.

"That's why, we don't take things we aren't aloud" Natasha said from behind her, kneeling down and wiping Y/n's sticky face and hands with a wipe, Y/n let more cries out as she turned to Natasha with a heartbroken face.

"It just, go in the air and fall into there" Y/n sobbed to Natasha, Wanda watched from afar feeling awful for what she had done, if anything she was helping Natasha out but she also didn't want to break the child's heart.

"I know baby, i saw it" Natasha frowned holding her arms out for Y/n, Y/n stood herself up and took Natasha's open hand and walked back over to where everyone else was sitting, jumping up onto Natasha's lap to take a seat in front of everyone else.

"You're quite fast tiny one" Steve said with a  wink, Y/n stared at him with a blank expression before looking away causing a few people to start laughing, Y/n hugged her mother and looked down at her lap where her mothers hands lay and started to play around with her rings.

Y/n was getting bored quickly, everyone else was having their own conversation while she just sat there. She looked around and spotted the soccer ball, so she climbed off Natasha's lap and ran over to it, looking back at Natasha who was checking what she was doing, so Y/n held the ball up to show her, earning a thumbs up.

"Higher" Y/n groaned throwing the ball in the air, she giggled when it thumped against the ground, then she kicked it into the goals, her coach had been teaching her to kick the ball out of her hands so she was giving that a try.

Although this time when she kicked the ball, instead it came flying back into her face, causing her to stumble back and fall down on her bottom, the team started laughing loudly, having saw the whole thing as they were watching Y/n as she was trying to get the ball higher.

"Mama!" Y/n screamed falling on her back and using her fists to rub her eyes, Natasha chuckled standing up from her seat and slowly making her way over to Y/n, she slowly crouched down beside her and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Owie, mama the hall hit my face" Y/n sobbed rubbing her face with the back of her hands, Natasha smiled leaning down and lifting Y/n into her arms with a slight groan, taking her back over to where they were sitting.

"That was some good skill you got there" Tony snickered, using her hand to covering his mouth, Bruce and Steve agreed with a laugh nodding their head as Y/n cried softly into Natasha's chest, giving her uncles weird looks, Y/n let out some more cries and stared at them all with an uneasy look, similar to Natasha's glare.

"Best part was when you hit your face!" Tony shouted smacking his hand off his knee and laughing, causing everyone else to erupt back into laughter, Y/n let out a whine squirming off Natasha's lap and making her way over to Tony.

"Fuck off!" She shouted giving him a hit right to the sensitive part, she watched her mama do that once, the team fell into more laughter yet over a different thing as Tony clutched his area and started complaining, Y/n wandered back over to her mama.

Natasha was slightly in shock, not knowing wether to be angry or upset with Y/n, proud or happy that she stood up for herself. She lifted Y/n back into her arms and her small girl cuddled right to her chest, humming sadly as Natasha hand was rubbing up and down Y/n's back.

"Okay, well... how about we play a match" Steve said sensing the awkward tension as Tony groaned, everyone was quick to agree and all stood up, Y/n even slid off her mothers lap and ran after everyone and Natasha was forced to follow them.

"You're gonna get yourself injured honey" Natasha said brushing the hair out of Y/n's face, Y/n shook her head with a whine pushing Natasha's hands away from her as the teams were sorted, Y/n was pretty thrilled because she was on her mothers team and playing against Steve.

On the first team was, Y/n, Natasha, Bruce, Thor which is a pretty solid team, hopefully most people were scared of going anywhere near Thor due to him being so big so he tended to be defending or sometimes maybe a goal keeper, and of course there was Y/n.

On the second team was, Steve, Wanda and Clint, Tony was going to play but he said he'd just referee the game. The team was going to have Bruce but Steve claimed they were too good and didn't need an extra player so the other team took him.

And then everyone was kicking around the football, a lot of laughs were exchanged and quite a few people had fallen over already, wether it was tripping over the ball or slipping on the grass, Y/n was scoring all the goals for her team though earning lots of hugs and high fives.

"And grandad Steve has the ball and is running!" Tony commentates from the side, Y/n laughs at him before running to Steve and kicking the ball away and then running after it, Steve came in close behind her, slide tackling her right in the ankles.

Y/n lets out a scream and falls to the ground, clutching her ankle in pain as her face is flat against the grass, Natasha comes running over, gently lifting Y/n onto her lap and wrapping her arms around her body, kissing Y/n's head gently every now and then.

"It's not your day today is it" Natasha coos running her hand up and down Y/n's back, Y/n lets out another loud cry as Tony storms over to Steve, pulling his arm away and over a little bit, Y/n cried into Natasha's chest for a while before Natasha stood up.

"Surely that's a red card Stark" Natasha smirked walking past Tony and Steve before heading inside, it was late afternoon and Natasha wouldn't be lying if she said her daughter needed a nap, after falling over so much today and the amount of tears, a good nap is really what was needed, for both of them.


too hot.

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