138| where's your voice

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Y/n had been a lot quieter than usual these past few days, she'd been in the dance room a lot more and she was outside a lot more as well playing soccer with herself, Natasha was happy that she was dancing and outdoors but it was becoming a bit much.

She was fairly worried about Y/n as she wasn't that bubbly as she usually was, she wanted her to be bubbly and be herself but she just wasn't, there was clearly something wrong with her but Natasha had no idea what could've gone wrong, she was fine with Maria in her bed now, so what could it be.

"Hiya darling, what are you up too?" Natasha asked coming into Y/n's bedroom and wandering over to where she was sitting at her desk, Y/n looked over her shoulder at Natasha blankly before looking back at whatever she was doing.

The girl shrugs her shoulders and pointing to the coloring she was doing, Natasha places her hands on Y/n's shoulders, feeling how tense they were, but they did relax literally as soon as Natasha's hands were on them after a few seconds, making the woman smile.

"That's so beautiful, did you do all this by yourself?" Of course she did, but Y/n wasn't exactly making an effort to make a conversation so Natasha was doing to have to make one up herself, Y/n nods her head and continued to color in her little picture.

Natasha kissed her girls head and started to wander about the room, she was making sure everything was okay and there wasn't anything that could make Y/n scared or worried about anything, she sighed when there was no sign of anything and stood by Y/n's door silently watching her.

"Do you want to come watch Tv with me, Wanda and Maria?" Natasha asked, Y/n nodded her head and pushed her chair out from her desk, she slowly wandered over to her mother and took her outstretched hand in her own, pulling it up to her face and rubbing her cheek.

"Hi honey" Wanda greets seeing Y/n and Natasha walk into the room, Y/n holds Natasha's hand tighter and brings it up to her face again, slowly rubbing her lips across the back of Natasha's hand making her smile and look down at her daughter who's gone all shy.

"Are you coming to watch Tv with us?" Maria asked, Y/n nodded her head slowly and clutched onto Natasha as she starts moving to sit down, she sits near the end of the sofa so Y/n was on her left and was next to the arm.

Y/n curled into Natasha once she sat down and wrapped her arms around the front of Natasha and the back of Natasha which was a bit uncomfortable but not too much for the woman, Natasha's left arm plays with the side of Y/n's hair as they watch Tv.

Wanda looked over at Natasha and gives her a look, silently asking her what was up with Y/n and why she was so quiet and shy, but all Natasha could do was shrug as she didn't actually know what was going on and what had caused her daughter to be like this.

"Did you sleep okay last night?" Natasha asked, it was really the only thing she could think of saying and the only thing she could think of that might be upsetting Y/n, because when the girl didn't get a good night sleep, she was grouchy, but she nodded.

"Do you want to bake with me darling?" Wanda asked, Y/n shook her head with a pout and leaned further into Natasha, not exactly being a fan of all the attention on her, even if there was only 3 adults in the room it was still scary for her.

"Should we go dance together?" Maria asked, her and Y/n had started dancing together which Natasha had found extremely adorable, Y/n would teach and show Maria all of her dance moves, but yet again the girl silently shook her head, tightening her grip around Natasha.

"We can color together if you want" Natasha asked looking down at Y/n and wiping her hair out of her face, humming bad giving the bottom of her back a small pat before rubbing circles, Y/n pouted as her eyes filled with tears and she shook her head.

Suddenly the girl started to cry, she pressed her face into Natasha's waist as she sobbed, her cries were muffled but still heard by the others who were now worried about Y/n, Natasha shushed her girl gently and rubbed up and down her back, whispering sweet words in her ear.

"Let's go upstairs and talk, hm" Natasha said, she lifted Y/n to her front and stood up, excusing herself from the room and making her way upstairs, she head down to her own bedroom and opened the windows to get a bit of fresh air in whilst sitting down on the bed.

Natasha holds Y/n on her lap for a little while, rocking her side to side gently and kissing her head. Even though the girl was 13, she was small, not in a bad way small but she way literally tiny, she was even still able to fit in the little seat on the shopping cart.

"What's gotten you so quiet today my love?" Natasha asked rubbing Y/n's back and leaning back slightly, the girl didn't respond and kept her eyes on Natasha's chest, letting out a small hiccup and bringing her hands up to rub her eyes, which Natasha pulled away.

Y/n kept silently, instead of rubbing her eyes she reached forward with her hands and started to fiddle with Natasha's necklace, with Y/n's actions Natasha though that maybe Y/n was anxious about something, maybe something was coming up that she didn't know or remember

"Talk to me baby, i'm listening to you" Natasha pleased tucking her daughters hair behind her ears, Y/n let out a little and quiet whine and kept fiddling along with Natasha's necklace, Natasha watched silently as her daughter kept her eyes down, not making eye contact once.

"Do you not want to talk today?" Natasha asked, Y/n shook her head with a pout which made Natasha smile slightly, she wrapped her arms around her daughter again and pulled her to her chest, Y/n's arms moved to wrap around her mothers waist, pushing her face into her chest tightly.


my english teacher was so nice today she kept me behind because she thought something was wrong and was like "you come to me if you have any problems" AHH

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