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'Welcome, visitors of the Mushroom Kingdom!' The sign we passed by in the carriage marked that we were here. Home. Where it all happened. Part of me wished I didn't come back. That I just stayed home. But I still came. 

It all started when my older sister, Peach, invited me back home, apologizing multiple times on how she was.  The letter went like this:

Dearest sister,

It has been a long time since I have reached out to you. I wanted to give you space in case you were upset with my actions, seeing as you left abruptly without a goodbye.

I wanted to invite you back to the kingdom, so we can rebuild our lovely bond.

Your sister,

Princess Peach

I was tempted to not take it, but people do change. Even if its from ignoring your presence because of a stupid throne, to acknowledging you again years later. Am I just suddenly here when it's convenient? That's a possibility. But, there's a possibility my sister is a changed person, and really wants me here.

Half of me thought that she was inviting me back so she could look good and not make it seem like I was forcefully removed from the Kingdom. 

I didn't realize how wrapped up I was in my thoughts until I heard, "Princess Y/N, we are here."


"Sister!" I was stepping out of the carriage as I hear my sister squeal as she came out from the castle. Once I was fully out of the carriage, I took steps towards my elder sister.

"Hello," I curtsy. "N/N! You have gotten so big!" She wrapped her gloved arms around me, embracing me.

I awkwardly hugged back. "You have as well," I manage to squeak out as she squeezed the air out of my lungs.

Finally, she let go of me and took a step back. "Ooh! You must meet my friends! They'd love to know you!" The carriage had already pulled away, so there goes leaving.

I opened my mouth to protest, but I didn't get a chance to speak. "Come on!" Peach grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the neighborhoods.

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