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"I wanted to introduce you to my sister."

Peach gestured towards me, and I fidgeted. "Hello, I'm Princess Y/N, but friends can call me N/N." I do a curtsy before fidgeting with my fingers again.

"Wow, I never knew you had a sister!" Luigi exclaims, hopping off of the couch he was formerly planted on.

"Surprise!" Peach did jazz hands towards me, as I just giggled nervously. What was I supposed to do? Mario does a little jump off of the couch and makes his way to me. Luigi walked over as well.

The two of them started examining me, as I just stood there awkwardly. "You sure you're not twins?" Mario asks, looking at Peach.

"Not to our knowledge," she briefly answers, giggling. "Are you staying here permanently?" Luigi looks at me, quizzing me. "I don't know yet. I've lived in Koopa Cape for almost five years now," I answer.

"Well if you decide on staying, this place is fun!" Peach says with a slight giggle before fetching some more tea from the kitchen.


"So you're telling me there are more of you?" I look at the red mushroom hatted species in confusion. "Yeah!" He does a little thumbs up and flashes a cute smile. "Sister!" I whip my head around to see my sister strutting towards me.

"Is it alright with you if I make dinner plans with Mario, Luigi, Daisy, and Toad?" I shrugged. "It's your palace, not mine, sister!"

"Well, if we are having dinner plans, I shouldn't waste time getting ready!" I mumble to myself. "Bye, Toad!" I wave to the mushroom hatted specimen, as I walk to my sister's castle.

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