.14- I'm doing it.

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As soon as they got out of sight, the tears went away. "What are you going to do, Princess?" One of the mushrooms asked. "You guys can call me N/N. Also, I'm doing it. I'm going to save my sister." I smile.

"You got this, N/N!" One mushroom yelled out. Everyone cheered, as I stepped out of the gates.


Soon, sunset landed upon me, and I was only a mere half mile behind the boys, and prayed it would stay that way. I came upon a fire flower patch, and I touched a flower, and felt a burst of heat on my skin. It didn't burn, but it felt good.

I sat down in the field, and watched as the sun slowly rested in the west. Once it finished setting, I stood up, and continued on my journey.


It was a few minutes until I spotted the boys, so as soon as I did, I ran into the woods, and walked through there. As I passed, I couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.

"I do feel bad for telling her she couldn't journey with us. But she said something about her loving me?"

"Mario, brother, why do you feel bad for protecting her?"

"Because she looked so sad, and its her sister."

There was a pause. I stood there, waiting for the conversation to pick up again.

"I get it! You like her!"

"Do not!" Mario argued with Luigi.

"Yes you do!"

The silence killed me. Did he like me? Anyhow, my feet decided to move on their own, and I tripped on a root. "Agh!" I faceplanted, and the warmth was gone.

"...What was that?" I hear Luigi ask. "Ouch..." I moaned in pain. I stood up and stumbled out of the woods. "Princess?" I just stare at them. A felt a few raindrops on my head.

"What are you doing here?!" Luigi asks.

"I'm saving my sister, since I can't make my own decisions!" I growl. "Listen, I told you I was sorry, what else am I supposed to do? Let you get hurt, or worse?!" Mario argues.

"No, but you yourself just said that you felt bad for telling me no because its my sister!" I yell back. "My sister gets to save me but I can't save her. Why is that?!"

"Maybe its because instead of saving her, you get us into even more trouble!" Mario snaps. "You're just a burden that we have to deal with!"

"No I'm not! I haven't even--"

"Your sister told us about how you were. She told us to make sure you didn't bother helping us."

I was taken back. My eyes filled with tears ready to spill any second. I let out a small squeak before running off. "Princess wait!" Luigi called out.

I stopped and turned around. "Why? So I can be more of a problem?! I'm just gonna go home." The rain mixed with my tears, and my mascara left streaks down my face.

"Princess!" I look to see Mario. "I'm sorry!" I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see him right now, before turning my head, and walking away.

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