.10-We've made contact.

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It took a while, but we finally were on shore, but it was night time. "So," I started a conversation around the campfire. "You save my sister, huh?" Mario cleared his throat and answered with, "Of course! She's the princess! Me and Luigi also are the only two brave enough to journey to rescue her. No offence," he looks at Toad for the last sentence.

"What did you do back in the Newshirian Kingdom?" Toad asks me. "Man, I did a lot I can barely remember. I had a bakery, a lot of friends, a fiancée. But he broke it off, and I moved here." I put my hands closer to the fire as an attempt to warm up from the cold water dripping on me.

"So, anyone else ready for bed?" I ask, yawning. "Yeah."


Well, safe to say we were split up for the night with frigid winds. That is until I woke up, nearly frostbitten. So, I crawled over to Toad. "Psst." I tap him slightly. "I'm cold."

Toad opens his beady eyes and says, "I'm cold too. We all should just huddle together." So, we both woke Mario and huddled together like sardines.

The night ended with me holding Toad and facing away from Mario.

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