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I woke up to the sound of churning. I looked around nervously, trying to sit up. My hands were numb due to my back lying on them. They were tied behind my back. Right. I was on a ship. The ship I was forced on a while ago.

I tried moving my legs to stand up but they were tied, as well as my hands were. So I'm just stuck here.

A door opened and slammed shut, indicating that someone was coming.

A few stomps becoming louder indicated that they were coming for me. Oh, it was Bowser Jr.

"Get up, we're here." He was straightforward. Luckily, they took my mask off, so I could speak. "Well I can't do that if I'm all tied up, huh?" I quiz sarcastically.

Bowser Jr. looked at me, a scowl evident on his face. He stomped towards me and pulled me up. "Let's go," he said icily.


I was thrown in a dark and cold jail cell with only a toilet and bed. Luckily, they had the decency to take my restraints off, and let me sit there peacefully for a few hours.

My eyes were closed as I rested until I heard heavy steps down the hall. Only one person here can stop and make that much noise.

Bowser stopped in front of my cell. "Hello, Y/N."

"Princess Y/N." I glare at him. "Why did you kidnap me?" I scoot up to the edge of my bed.

"To get to your sister, of course! You're the ransom. If she wants you back, she'll have to marry me. But there's a deadline. If she misses it, you die." I fold my arms and hide my fear with an anger expression.

"I'm sure you won't get what you want." Bowser just smirks. "I know, so if you fail as a hostage, I'll take everyone around her. She'll have to marry me."

I snarl out, "You yandere snake!"


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