.20- Bye again.

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I had been sitting in the castle's back yard, lounging by the pool we had installed. It was nice enough, so me and Peaches invited our friends over. I even invited Donkey Kong. Though him and Mario don't get along, one's my crush, and the other is my bestie from Koopa Cape.

"Hey, Y/N! Watch this!" D.K. caught my attention, as he dove into the pool, doing three flips, before belly flopping on top of Mario.

Water splashed onto me, drenching my outfit completely. "Hey!" I tossed my book, surprised. "Look what you did!" Mario exclaimed at Donkey Kong. "Why do you care?" He fired back.

As they bantered, I tried to ease them, all while drying my book and myself. No one paid attention to me as I dried my book. Until...

I felt déjà vu from the past kidnapping. "Hey!" I yelled, muffled from this fabric on my mouth. Mario must've saw me in the side of his eye, because he turned towards me, and saw me get drug away. By the time he caught up, he was stopped by a bunch of Koopas. "Hey, what do you think you're doing with the Princess?!" Mario yelled, fighting off Koopas on the aircraft we somehow got on. I was getting tied to a pole in the middle. "She's gonna get married to Bowser!" Ludwig cheered, clapping. Bowser Jr. came in, and knocked Mario off the aircraft. "Mario!" I yell, trying to break from the restraints. This again...

(A/N: after I finish this story, I'm doing a rewrite. Longer chapters, better plot. Stay tuned for updates!!)

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