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The garden was the only place besides my new empty room that wasn't occupied. So, I just sat out there for a bit, getting away from it all.

Not that I hate anyone or any drama occurred, I was just tired and needed a break.

I looked at the beautiful chrysanthemums blooming, its petals gleaming in the sun. I sat back on the bench, trying to process this past day, until I heard a rustle in one of the green shrubs.

A little turtle popped out, and looked directly at me, laughing menacingly. I shouted out of surprise. "I'm not sure you're supposed to be here," I calmly tell the turtle, I recognized to be Bowser Jr.

He just stood there. "I don't know what you want but please leave me alone!" I exclaim, voice quivering.

"My dad gave me instructions to get you. And it was easier than expected."

I tried to run but I was tackled by the little turtle before I had a chance to outrun him. "Sister!" I call out. "Sister--!" My mouth was covered with a clothed article, to muffle my voice and screams.

"Stand up," Bowser Jr. ordered. So, I stood up. He pulled a rope out and attempted to tie my arms behind my back.

I took a chance and kicked him back with my foot and ran for the castle, ripping that mask off my face. "Peach!" I yell. "Help!"

This time I was tackled by three koopas. One forcefully pulled me up, the other two grabbing the restraints to keep me from running. "If you run this time, it won't end good," Bowser Jr. warned.

As they were tying me up, my sister ran outside. "Y/N! N/N!" She started sprinting towards me, but I was being pulled away by the koopas. I tried to fight back, but I was unsuccessful. I looked behind me, to see the five of my friends chasing after us.

They were too slow, because I was put in an aircraft and taken away.

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