.12-Welcome home.

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Of course, my sister held a ceremony to celebrate my return from Koopa Cape, and from the grasps of Bowser.

"Now please, welcome back my sister, Princess Y/N!" My sister stepped back from the podium and stood alongside Mario, who was right next to the podium, Daisy and Luigi on the other side.

I took a breath before stepping out in front of the citizens. Everyone started cheering. I stood on the podium, terrified on what to say. "You got this," I look over to see Mario was looking at me, smiling. "Thanks," I whisper.

I took a deep breath. "Hello, everyone! I am so glad to be back! Thank you for being here for the celebration! It means so much to me." I put a hand on my heart.

"When I went for a five-year long vacation, you guys stayed in my heart. Finally, my stay with my friend Pauline in Koopa Cape ended, I came back. Thank you for making me feel so welcome everyone!"

Everyone was cheering, and I curtseyed, before stepping off through podium to where Peach was. "You did a good job," Mario said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. "Thank you."

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