.7-Let's go.

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Its been a full twenty four hours, and I've been stuck here. No food, only the occasional water.

It took me an additional hour on top of the other twenty four to decide I was going to leave.

I quickly drank the water, and looked around the iron bars to see if anyone was watching. No, all clear.

I immediately searched for any flaw in the walls. So, I started attempting to kick a hole in the wall. Luckily, it worked, but my dress got dirty in the process.

I made the hole big enough to escape through, but then realized-- they were coming for me. I made too much sound. So, I went through the wall and ran straight forward to the unknown.

Sadly, that escape was unsuccessful.

I was taken to Bowser. "Oh, oh, look who tried to escape!" He laughed lowly at me. "I'm getting out of here one way or the other." I say to myself.

A door opened and closed shut and heels clacked on the cement flooring in the distance. "Sister!" I heard two other pairs of feet. "Princess!" Mario. "N/N!" Luigi.

They got to our room, and just stared at me. At this point, I was in handcuffs, while Bowser was in his ridiculous throne. Like I was some prisoner ready for an execution.

"N/N!" Peach ran over to me and hugged me. "So glad you're okay!" I smiled and leaned into the hug. "Now, now," Bowser interrupted. "You know the deal. If you want her, you marry me."

Peach started laughing. "Me? Marry you? What made you think I would?"

I felt a shock electrocute through my body and I exclaimed in pain. "Agh!" Dropping to the floor, all energy in my body disappeared.

Peach looked at me before reaching slowly for her dress. "Guys, you go ahead."

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