.2-Mario & Luigi.

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"Look, we're here!" Peach pulled me to a red door on a white paneled house. "This is the house of Mario and Luigi!" She bounced on the heels of her feet excitedly as she knocked.

The door opened to reveal a brunette with a red cap with an 'M' branded on the front. He looked ahead with a bored expression before gazing up to see Peach.

"Oh! Hey, Princess!" He smiles, his mustache curling upwards the slightest bit. "Hey, Mario! Is Luigi here also?" I stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah, he's here, I could get him. Wait. Would you like to come in?" The male questioned my sister. "Sure, we can come in!"

Mario nodded slightly, disappearing behind the door. Peach grabbed my arm yet again and drug me inside.

"Thank you for inviting us in," Peach curtsied towards Mario, who was in the living room next to Luigi. "No problem, Princess!"

"Hi, Luigi!" My sister waved towards the green hatted male. He was a bit taller and thinner than the 'Mario' character, and he had an 'L' on his hat.

"Oh, hi Princess!" Luigi glances over and waves before clicking the television remote, changing the television from showing a cartoon to a black screen.

"I wanted to introduce you both to my sister."

Overlook- Mario X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now