.21- Wedding.

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The wedding march played and I was forced down the isle by a few goombas nudging me ahead.

I got to the end of the isle, and there was Bowser. Waiting for me. He pulled my veil off of my face, and smiled sickly. "You're so beautiful." I mix a smile and a grimace, holding the piranha flowers I was given.

The vows started, and all Bowser could talk about was yandere stuff! I sat through it, annoyed with the entire situation. "...Speak now or forever hold your peace." The preacher continued.

It was silent for one second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

A door swung open to cut the priest off. "Stop the wedding." I hear a voice I know all too well. "Sister!" I yell, running towards her. Kamek waved his wand, and a purple aura was surrounding me. I couldn't move.

Suddenly, Mario and Luigi burst into the room. "Mario!" I yell. "Luigi!"

They turn towards me. "Y/N! What happened?!" Mario asked, walking towards me. "The turtle..." I mutter, as a pressure was put on my body. "Augh!" I cry out.

Luigi ran over to Kamek and tackled him, causing Kamek to lose hold and control of his wand, releasing me from the aura.

Peach had been fighting Bowser off, as Luigi handled the minions. I was on the ground, lungs burning from the pressure that was increased on them. "Ouch." Mario ran over, and helped me up. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine." Peach had finished up with Bowser, and told us it was time to go.

By that point, Bowser was furious and shot a fireball at a curtain, setting it on fire. "Go, go go!" I yell to everyone. "Fire!" Everyone stampled over me, as I tried to get out as well.

I barely got out in time, but I did. Peach and Mario and Luigi were nervous, waiting for me. "Guys!" I yell, running towards them.

"Y/N! Oh my god you scared us!" Mario hugged me. I hugged him back, feeling ever so confident to kiss his head.

For once, I finally wasn't overlooked. People noticed me.

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