.17- Popcorn and a movie.

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"Sister!" Peach's heels clicked on the stairs as she dashed up them, the halls echoing the sound her heels made when they contacted the cold, hard floor. She opened my door, smiling. "Hey," I smile at her. "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to join us all for a movie and popcorn?" Peach asked. "Who's all there?" I asked, squinting at her. I would still go, I was just curious if Mario was there.

"Me, Daisy, Luigi, Toad, and your crush." I started blushing uncontrollably as soon as I heard my sister refer to Mario as 'Your crush'. Of course she didn't see it, right?

"W-who?" I managed to speak out. "You know. Mario. You like him." I covered my mouth to contain the profanities I wanted to yell at the blonde. "That's ridiculous!" I giggle.

"Not if it's true. Now come on!" Peach moved closer and pulled me by the arm off my bed.

"Wait! I need to get ready, sister."

"You look fine!"

"But I'd like to look casual!"


"What movie are we watching?" I ask her, as she pulled me down the stairs. She replied quickly with, "We are watching a comedy. Also, nice color you're wearing."

"I swear to the skies above, Peach!" I exclaim, giggling loudly. My hair was in my ponytail too tight so I loosened it a little bit. "New look?" Peach asked, looking at me as we got to the end of the steps. "Yeah?" I replied, confused.


We all plopped down on the couch, obviously me sandwhiched between the end of the couch and Mario. It's always him. Anyways, Peach tossed a few of us, including me, a blanket, and a bowl of popcorn. The movie started, and I covered both me and Mario with the blanket.

It got to a really funny part. "Life isn't a fairytale, sweet'art. If ya lost ya shoe at midnight, you're drunk." I couldn't help but giggle. I don't know why it was funny, maybe it was the accent that made it funny.

Soon, the movie was getting less interesting to me. I was getting tired. So, I leaned into Mario. "This movie is pretty funny." I replied with a small grunt. I was too tired to form words.

Sleep was fighting my urge to stay awake. "Are you tired?" I hear Peach ask me. I slur out. "Yeah. But I got him." I patted Mario. He chuckled nervously, his face tinting pink, either uncomfortable or flustered.

Somehow, I fell asleep.

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