.8-My Kart.

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"How do we run fast enough to escape Bowser?!" I yell as we're sprinting full speed down the hall, my limp sort of affecting it. "We didn't run here, we brought our karts!" Toad exclaimed, trying to keep up with our large steps. "What about my kart?!" I yell. "I drove it here, so you can drive it back!"

Finally the doors were in view and only two koopas were on our tail. We rushed the door and I was met with the view of my kart, Mario's, Luigi's, and Peach's kart.

Quickly, I ran towards mine, and jumped in. "Come on, Toad! Get in!" Toad complied and got in my cart. I quickly started the engine and idled for a minute, waiting for my sister.

At that moment, she sprinted out of the castle doors and to her motorcycle. "Go, go go!" She sped down the rigged path, allowing enough space for us to follow at the same speed.


I can't believe we have to drive on Rainbow Road. One of the worst and complex tracks. But, its a shortcut to the Kingdom. I adjusted my rear view and sure enough, there was a koopa in a large tank behind me. "Guys, speed up. Speed up!" I start yelling to the others, as I checked to see what the koopa was doing.

Next thing I knew the road in front of me was gone and I fell into an abyss of water, hearing the screams of my name.

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