Chapter 3: Down to business

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After sitting around with Jinx for a bit, I figured it was finally time to build myself back up. 

I am a man who is presumed dead, and also a bum, so I need to get my money up. 

I step outside and head down to the bar, looking at Miss Fortune who's just cleaning empty glasses. 

Fortune: Hey, you better not be skipping town on Jinx, girl like that will track you down and eat you alive. 

Y/N: Nope, she's changed, we were in the military together. 

I sit down at the bar, same exact spot I sat at last night. 

Fortune: You still gotta pay for that drink. 

She leans over the bar, giving me a smirk.

Y/N: I'm broke as hell, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to work it off. 

She sighs and then looks down; I can tell she's thinking about making me do some stupid tutorial-level tasks. 

Fortune: Well, I'm glad you chose Last Drop, if you're as good as Powder ever said you were, I got a couple jobs for you right now.

She pauses a bit, looking around the bar. 

Fortune: There's some bums in the back alley that have been overstaying their welcome, I think they need some better forms of motivation...

Fortune mumbles: Because Graves wasn't good enough.

Y/N: You tried politely asking them to leave, maybe getting authorities? 

Fortune: Pfft, don't tell jokes like that! It's Zaun, there isn't any authority! 

Fortune goes stone-faced again.

Fortune: So, I'm hoping that'll be you. 

She slides her hair behind her ear, giving me another weird look. 

Fortune: So, get thrown out or work off ten bucks, your choice. 

Now, ten wouldn't normally be a lot, but since I'm broke, fuck it. 

Y/N: Happy to help, Miss Fortune. 

She takes my hand and shakes it. 

Sarah: Please, call me Sarah.

I nod and step up.

I take my knife out that I got from the guard, making sure it's in good shape. 

I flip it up and catch it upside down, I know I'm going to have to use it, especially if someone before me couldn't do this "simple" job. 

I swing the backdoor open, stepping out.

I immediately see the kids and the bums alike. 

Kid: Another man! Looking to take down the Alley way boys? 

Alley way boys? I laugh. 

Y/N: Alright, kids, beat it, this is a bar, made for grown-ups. 

One of the homeless guys gets up. 

He walks up to me and towers over me, but I know it's all show.

The kids start to laugh as he grabs my shoulder, this is war. 

I smack his hand off of me, duck his absolute haymaker that he tried to hit me with. 

He exposes his weakness, his knee. 


I give him a good boot to the knee, bending it sideways, and that scream... oh that scream...

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